“Germs in hotel rooms: How to avoid them and stay healthy on vacation”

2023-04-27 07:05:48

Also exciting: How to avoid nasty germs in the gym > >

However, most of these pathogens are repelled by our functioning immune systems. Again and once more it happens that viruses and bacteria overwhelm and trick our defenses. Then we get sick with colds, flu, diarrhea or inflammation. Therefore, the following applies to people who are often in public: wash your hands regularly, disinfect your hands and do not touch your face.

But it is not only in public spaces that we encounter germs and pathogens. Unfortunately, the little ones are waiting Microbes in our homes too and even hotel rooms to us. And while we can fight bacteria in our own four walls through cleaning and hygiene measures, on vacation we often have no control over germs that we sometimes lie in the made bed with.

Bacteria thrive on these items in hotels

Hotel rooms are cleaned daily. Before new guests move into a room, there is usually a final cleaning. Especially in connection with the corona pandemic, strict hygiene measures have been introduced in many hotels to enable guests to stay safely and hygienically. However, cleaners in the hotels have to work piecework. In many cases, they simply lack the time to really clean every corner, surface and device in the room. The good news: Toilets and showers are still the cleanest places in good hotels. However, where guests should generally be more careful are these objects and areas in the hotel room.

The remote control

Televisions are standard in hotel rooms. When we arrived, the remote controls were already on the bedside tables next to the beds. Of course we like to grab it here and leave the TV on in the morning to check the weather report or if we want to relax in the evening following a hard day’s sightseeing. Unfortunately, the remote controls are the most unclean objects in hotel rooms. They are often only superficially cleaned, although every guest has touched the devices at least once. On remote controls E. Coli bacteria are also bustling regarding. These get on the devices if guests do not wash their hands following using the toilet. holiday tip: Take freeze bag with and simply plug in the remote control. It still works and your hands don’t come into contact with the germs.

The key card for the room

Even before you enter the hotel room, you may have foreign germs on your finger. Bacteria and viruses of all kinds collect on the key cards or room keys. We have the cards and keys in our hands several times a day. At check-out, they often go straight into designated storage boxes and just wait for the next guests to take them. So keep that in mind: After receiving the card, wipe it briefly with a disinfectant wipe and wash your hands.

The curtains

Upholstered furniture and textiles such as carpets absorb dirt and microbes particularly easily. But while most upholstery and carpets in hotel rooms are at least superficially cleaned and vacuumed, the curtains absorb dust, viruses and germs of all kinds for months. Curtains are rarely cleaned at all. It would be far too time-consuming to take down and put up the curtains every time they are cleaned. That is also reported Trade journal for the European cleaning sectordas „European Cleaning Journal“.

The toothbrush cup

In every hotel bathroom there is at least one toothbrush cup in which you can place your toothbrushes. Some guests even drink water from the cup to rinse their mouth following brushing their teeth. Unfortunately, the toothbrush cup is one of the objects that is particularly frequently contaminated with bacteria. Why? Cleaners don’t always have the time to clean the cups at all. The rags previously used on bathroom surfaces in other guest rooms are also sometimes used for cleaning. So the following applies: If you want to drink from the cup in the bathroom, you should first disinfect it thoroughly or boil it with boiling water from the kettle.

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