Germany’s Trade Ban Creates Waves Throughout Europe

The German government is unveiling its new immigration and internal security package tomorrow, with the much-hyped deal with the main opposition a thing of the past after the head of the Christian Democrats Friedrich Mertz did not attend a relevant meeting yesterday, considering the proposed measures of the Soltz government insufficient.

“Immigration is not solved with an interview with Bild,” said Chancellor Solz, taking a direct shot at Mertz from the floor of the parliament. Nevertheless, he said he remains open to dialogue with the opposition and supports the government’s decisions.

a plans of the German Ministry of the Interior under the Nancy Feather from the Social Democrats include border controls, more rejections of asylum applications but also quick returns in the countries of first entry into the EU or deportations to third countries. Control procedures will be carried out quickly at the border by the police, who will have enhanced powers. In other words, it will be examined there which country is responsible, based on it Dublin Regulationto handle each asylum case, while the creation is also considered detention centers on the German border.

The criticality of the situation is reflected in the announcement by the Ministry of the Interior to extend temporary border controls to all land borders of the country from September 16 and for six months. In addition to Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland, where controls were already in place, these are now being extended to the borders and with France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Denmark. Similar controls were imposed during the European Football Championship held in Germany.

Recently, the flows to Greece from Turkey appear to have increased, as 11,835 migrants arrived in the first half of 2024 in Crete, Gavdos, other Aegean islands and Evros. In the three previous years, arrivals ranged from 2,000 to 4,660, while in 2019-2020, years of crises in Greek-Turkish relations, they reached 9,000-11,000.

Mitsotakis on immigration: Greece will not shoulder a disproportionately large burden due to the fact that it is on the European border

Migrant was the “main course” on the menu of the meeting he had yesterday the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with the Chancellor of Austria, Karl Neumacher.

The prime minister chose to make the lightning trip to Vienna in a bid to build alliances on immigration as well, ahead of the European Council meeting, scheduled for October 17-18, making sure to send messages to Berlin.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis commenting on the German government’s decision to essentially close the borders to immigrants, cutting the benefits of those coming from other EU countries. and have been recorded there, the Greek Prime Minister noted: “Greece will not shoulder a disproportionately large burden due to the fact that it is on the European border. Greece spends significant resources on guarding its borders and is supported by the E.U. for those arriving in Greece. Having reception centers on the islands is a heavy and expensive process and it makes sense that the E.U. to finance this process”.

Afterwards, Mr. Mitsotakis pointed out that “it is not our job to indicate to any European member state the benefit policy”, however he added that “today in Europe there are countries that are very attractive and attract immigrants and refugees who have the right to move legally. This should concern Germany itself, we will not indicate how it will organize its welfare state”.

At the same time, he noted that “it is not right to move to ad hoc exceptions from Schengen, which will not allow the free movement of citizens. The implementation of the Pact must be the first priority.” To conclude: “One cannot demand from Greece, which has just come out of the crisis, to have a more favorable protection framework for refugees than it has for Greek citizens”.

The prime minister emphasized that: “It is not possible for the wretched traffickers to determine who will enter the EU. The effective guarding of the borders is also a priority for the states of Central Europe”. At the same time, he underlined that Greece is building a wall (including on the Evros) and made it clear that it will continue to build it, either with national or European resources.

The prime minister argued that: “The E.U. from then on, he prioritized guarding the borders and this is reflected in the conclusions of the European Council, but also in the Pact on Migration. It is enough to see today the image of the islands of the Eastern Aegean, with organized structures and with an effective guarding of the maritime borders and the protection of human life, with the Coast Guard rescuing people in distress”.

And France is tightening the belts on immigration

France’s new Prime Minister Michel Barnier wants to tighten the country’s immigration policy. To what extent can Paris and Berlin keep up? The new head of the French government is still looking for the ministers of his government, but he has already announced what is going to change in the country.

The first priority of the 73-year-old Barnier is illegal immigration. “One has the impression that the borders are like a sieve – and that the migration flows are out of control. That’s what we want to change,” he said last week.

To implement a stricter immigration and asylum policy, Barnier is reportedly even planning the establishment of a ministry for “immigration, integration and national identity”. Such a move would show that Republican leader Barnier is heading in a direction similar to that set by Nicolas Sarkozy.

Sarkozy, who made international headlines when he declared he would “cleanse” the suburbs of “vagrants”, had created such a ministry as president in 2007 as part of a wider tightening of French immigration policy – he then succeeded in curbing the rise of the far-right National Front (FN).

Barnier is in favor of tightening immigration policy – but without detailing the measures he plans to take. However, if one examines his positions during his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination three years ago, one can form an idea of ​​what is to come.

At the time, the former secretary of state pushed to speed up asylum procedures, called for restrictions on immigrant family reunification, and proposed a moratorium on accepting asylum seekers in the country that could last for years.

Even revising the Constitution does not appear to be taboo for Barnier to ensure that national law prevails over EU law in cases of doubt. The aim of the measures proposed in the past by the French politician was to regain national sovereignty in immigration policy and to promote the integration of immigrants. Barnier, however, failed to emerge as a candidate for the presidency.

Commission briefing, first reactions

The Commission for the imposition of temporary controls on the entire German border, because it is essentially a suspension of the Schengen rules due to extraordinary circumstances. The Commission, for its part, reminds that corresponding measures must be truly extraordinary, temporary and respect the principle of proportionality.

There are already strong reactions from neighbors. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has spoken of Germany’s “unacceptable” plans, saying the Schengen area is effectively being suspended. Austria’s Interior Minister Gerhard Karner sternly announced that Austria would not accept the return of asylum seekers from Germany, while Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban quipped: “Germany, welcome to the club!”

With information from DW

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