Germany: it’s not just about agricultural diesel…

2023-12-18 11:04:12

Germany: it’s not just regarding agricultural diesel…

Willi the farmer*

My grade : In Germany too, exasperation is growing.

Over the past 24 hours, I have read countless news and opinions on social media and elsewhere. I noticed that both the FDP that Greens are clearly in opposition at the moment. They currently declare each other responsible for projects aimed at making agriculture pay 1 billion tax increase.

The former chancellor Olaf Scholz (Lawyer, SPD) is not speaking out, but he is currently in Brussels, where he is not saying anything either.

Mme Carina Konrad (farmer, FDP) calculates for us that with €21 additional costs per hectare, a 100 kg higher wheat yield is already enough to offset the costs. This only applies to agricultural diesel, the higher taxation of our agricultural vehicles is not included in its calculation. Thank you for that.

M. Cem Özdemir (social pedagogue, The green) tells on television that farmers have no alternative to the diesel tractor. He says he understands the farmers and their anger. He really didn’t know anything before? Regardless, let’s give him a chance to straighten out the plans.

« Don’t put yourself in this state »

I was asked if I mightn’t tolerate this on my farm. Until now, we have always had to deal with higher costs, we are used to it. But what changes now is that of the 3 billion in subsidies called “ harmful to the climate », a professional group of 250,000 companies must support 1 billion alone. We can practically not pass on these higher costs, which are added to other cost increases (higher diesel price, CO tax2, higher minimum wage, higher energy prices, etc.). Commerce indeed has the possibility of buying our anonymous mass products (cereals, meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, etc.) cheaper abroad. But I cannot relocate my operations abroad. Okay, I might sell my farm here and move somewhere else. Sometimes I even think regarding it briefly. But this only solves my problem.

The smart guys are back

As might be expected, the people who know everything better than others, or even more, are back. There are agro-economists like Mr. Alfons Balmann, who believe that “ it’s not all that serious “. We say thank you…

There are lay people who post photos of electric tractors and who seriously think that it is an alternative. Of course, because they didn’t read the fine print.

M. Martin Hofstetter de Greenpeace thinks we should plow less, that would save diesel. Yes, that’s good, but at the same time he wants to ban glyphosate.

It’s not just regarding agricultural diesel

In Luxembourg, agricultural diesel costs €0.90/l, in other countries, farmers use fuel oil. It should be obvious to everyone that the increase in taxes constitutes a real and massive distortion of competition for us. Those who assume that we want to suppress agriculture in Germany are wrong. Our politicians are really so stupid that they don’t see cause and effect. There is no plan behind all this, just as this so-called government has no plan in other areas either. The Minister of Agriculture wants to serve his clientele of 14% green voters and accepts cheaply to drive agriculture (including organic farmers) into the wall at full speed. This is not premeditation, it is pure and simple ideology.

And since we are talking regarding distortions of competition: it would be out of the question in the context of this article to list everything that other countries have the right to do and which we are prohibited from doing. And what other countries can therefore do at lower cost. It’s not just regarding agricultural diesel…

First helplessness, now action

Meanwhile, the vast majority of the German population believes that this government has failed. These people deserve another government. But this government can also be found with another people.

What is planned so far: a demonstration will take place on Monday around 10 a.m. at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Farmers’ associations (SPCA, LBV) launched the invitation and LSV also supports the demonstration. That those who cannot go to Berlin (this is not possible for me for very private reasons) organize themselves with their neighbors. A tip: three tractors in a roundregarding that can’t find the exit for a while…

For those who don’t want to or can’t drive a tractor: at the top of the picture you see a safety vest. You can also hang it on the farm gate. Those who want to support us farmers can hang the vest on their garden fence. Vests can be green or yellow, the color doesn’t matter.

Do something and do it quickly, please. Yes, it’s Christmas time, but the plans of the traffic light coalition must not become reality. He who does not hustle now, will be hustled.

There is so much more I might write, but this should be enough for now.


* Source : It’s not just regarding agricultural diesel… – Farmer Willi

#Germany #agricultural #diesel..



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