Germany holds its breath as two states go to the polls

Germany holds its breath as two states go to the polls

– I have a nasty feeling. Now the voters have to decide. I just hope there will be a stable coalition again, says Petra Köpping, leader of the Social Democrats (SPD) in Saxony.

The two old East German states hold state elections at the same time, and in both places it is an acid test for the AfD. Opinion polls keep the party in a clear lead in Thuringia and marginally behind the Christian Democratic CDU in Saxony. The results can reverberate throughout the country.

The three parties in Prime Minister Olaf Scholz’s coalition seem to be headed for poor results. In that case, it could strengthen the cracks in the government, with only one year left until the next nationwide parliamentary election.

Will not cooperate

In recent years, a broad coalition of the CDU, SPD and the Greens has governed in Saxony, while in Thuringia it is a left-wing coalition of Die Linke, SPD and the Greens that governs. It is not particularly likely that the AfD will gain power, because other parties have made it clear that they are not willing to cooperate with them.

At the same time, it may be difficult to form a majority without the AfD or the new but popular far-left party BSW. Both parties have profited greatly from opposition to immigration and opposition to financial and arms support for Ukraine.


The AfD is very popular in the two states, but also very controversial. The regional leader of the AfD in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, has been convicted and fined twice this year for using a banned Nazi slogan. He is also accused of incitement in an ongoing criminal case.

German intelligence has categorized the AfD in Thuringia and Saxony as far-right, and is monitoring the party.

By midday, 32 percent of those eligible to vote in Thuringia had cast their vote, roughly the same as in the last election five years ago.

In Saxony, the figure was 25.8, also relatively stable. In both states, polling stations are open until 6 p.m.

#Germany #holds #breath #states #polls
2024-09-03 04:19:11



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