Germany has no intention of supplying combat aircraft to Ukraine | Europe

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According to Sputniknews, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on February 11 confirmed that the German government did not discuss providing combat aircrafts for Ukraine, as Berlin must first fulfill its obligations under previous military aid packages to Kiev.

When asked about the transfer of fighter jets to Ukraine, Baerbock said: “We do not discuss this issue,” Baerbock told the Tagesspiegel newspaper.

The German diplomat stressed that Berlin needed to quickly solve the previous tasks related to the transfer of weapons to Kiev. Berlin has to make “difficult decisions” and therefore requires “careful consideration.”

Previously, the German newspaper Spiegel on February 7 reported that the German Federal Security Council earlier this week gave the green light for the transfer of 178 Leopard’s tank 1 cho Ukraine.

[Đức phê duyệt chuyển giao gần 200 xe tăng Leopard cho Ukraine]

The above information has been partially confirmed by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, according to which the tanks will be obtained from the warehouses of the industry. defense industry of Germany.

It is expected that the first Leopard 1s will be delivered to Ukraine this summer, while the majority will be delivered in 2024.

Nearly two weeks ago, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that he would deliver 14 modern Leopard 2 main battle tanks from the German federal army’s stockpile to the Ukrainian army, possibly by the end of March.

The German government is also trying to convince other European countries to deliver Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, but so far not many European countries have made a clear commitment.

As planned, with Leopard 2 tanks from Germany and European countries as well as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Ukraine will be equipped with 2 armored battalions with a total of 61 Leopard 2s.


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