Germany: Government coalition collapsed – On the way to early elections

Germany: Government coalition collapsed – On the way to early elections

According to the timetable announced by Chancellor Olaf Solz, on January 15th a vote will be held on whether or not the government receives a vote of confidence from the Bundestag (the lower house).

It is most likely that the MPs will open the way for elections by the end of March.

Until then, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Greens will continue to co-govern as a minority government, with the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) likely to tolerate, in order to pass crucial pension and industry support bills by the end of the year .

To this end, the chancellor will meet today with Christian Union (CDU/CSU) parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz, who has so far avoided commenting publicly on the developments.

Addressing citizens, Chancellor Scholz blamed the collapse of the governing coalition on Free Democratic Party (FDP) leader Christian Lindner, accusing him of “incomprehensible egos” and “small-minded petty party tactics”.

“He broke my trust several times, arbitrarily canceled the budget agreement (…) There is no basis of trust for further cooperation, therefore serious government work is not possible,” the chancellor characteristically said in his highly charged speech.

Earlier, as part of the government committee meeting, the FDP leader suggested calling early elections, which the chancellor rejected. In the objections of Mr. Lindner about the inability of the government partners to agree, Olaf Solz responded with his dismissal from the Ministry of Finance, which obviously implies the FDP’s departure from the government.

A few hours later, the FDP announced the departure from the government of the remaining ministers of the party: Volker Vissing from the Ministry of Transport, Marco Bussmann from the Ministry of Justice and Bettina Stark-Wächinger from the Ministry of Education.

Mr. Lindner, for his part, said among other things that he submitted proposals for economic recovery, which, he stressed, were not even accepted as a basis for consultation by the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Greens. “From the chancellor’s carefully prepared statement tonight we understood why,” the FDP leader said, accusing Olaf Solz of premeditated behaviour.

In the case of Mr. Soltz that Mr. Lindner called for pension cuts and tax breaks for the wealthy, the now-ousted finance minister countered that even tonight the chancellor had urged him to lift the “debt brake” on “emergency” grounds, something he said he could not do. agree. Olaf Solz sought, he said, to continue supporting Ukraine, the activation of the “emergency” rule, which justifies the additional emergency borrowing of the state. Christian Lindner even claimed that he proposed the jointly coordinated early appeal, which the chancellor rejected.

“Unfortunately, Olaf Solz has shown that he does not have the power to give our country a new beginning,” stressed Mr. Lindner and added that this should be done by a new government.

Tonight’s outcome had been discounted by politicians, analysts and the media already in the previous days, as the tension between the until yesterday government partners escalated.

The countdown began last week, when Christian Lindner tabled a position paper calling for the immediate suspension of climate policy and an almost radical overhaul of the government’s overall economic strategy, implying that by accepting the proposals the FDP’s stay in government would be judged.

Media comments

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung spoke of a “difficult parting” in its commentary, pointing out that “at the end of an eventful day, Olaf Solz dismisses his finance minister, as his relationship with the president of the FDP is clearly so broken that the common course has ended after almost three years”.

“The end of the governing coalition is good news for Germany,” Süddeutsche Zeitung opined, noting that “the rulers treated each other with contempt.” New elections will be held in the spring and then a reorganization could take place, the newspaper assured.

Der Spiegel noted the new, “combative” tone adopted by the chancellor, both in his announcements and internally, when he later met with his party’s caucus. “Many MPs described him as combative and comfortable. The chancellor urged MPs to conduct themselves with professionalism and discipline,” the magazine explained.

“This decline is a logical consequence” of the US elections, assessed, in a different style, Focus, explaining that “the message from this double blow says that the strength of Donald Trump’s electoral victory seduced the German coalition and the failure of the governing coalition is Trump’s first major success.” The people in Germany “had long been fed up with the alliance of these inequalities, of the lovers of argument and the obsessed with morality. “Never before has a federal chancellor managed to destroy the trust placed in him in such a lasting way in such a short period of time,” Focus opined, describing Olaf Solz with terms such as “detached” and “alienated from reality” as he “stubbornly refuses and arrogantly his personal responsibility for his own political failure”.

“Olaf Solz didn’t fail because of Christian Lindner, but mainly because of Olaf Solz,” the magazine judged.

“Soltz ends the government coalition with a bang and the mud fight follows”, commented the television network ntv, emphasizing that the accusations launched by the chancellor against Mr. Lindner “are unprecedented, especially for the otherwise rather restrained Social Democrat, and are likely to mark the beginning of a mudslinging like no other in Germany at the end of a governing coalition.”

“Finally the end!” summarizes Bild, recalling that for months Olaf Solz’s coalition “kept the country in suspense – but only in the sense of quarrels and discontent” and noting that the government did not in any way live up to its real duty , to lead Germany out of the crisis. “On the contrary: the coalition parties led the country even deeper into chaos through grumbling and constant recriminations.” In the end, Christian Lindner, the tabloid continues, “gathered the necessary courage to end the red-yellow-green drama. It opened the way for a new beginning and did what the majority of citizens have long demanded of traffic lights: pull the plug.” On the one hand, it is understandable that Mr. Soltz is now attacking Mr. Lindner. After all, the coalition is history. And Chancellor Soltz too, the newspaper claimed.

Handelsblatt assessed in its commentary that “Lidner’s consistent course towards new elections deserves respect” and that Olaf Scholz and Robert Habeck were unwilling to take responsibility for a reorganization or new elections, so Lindner took action by doing the right thing right time. “We would almost like to say: Respect, Mr. Lindner, risking one’s position to remain true to oneself does not happen often in politics,” added the financial newspaper.

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#Germany #Government #coalition #collapsed #early #elections

What is render-blocking resources

⁢It looks like you’ve shared a portion of​ JavaScript code that appears to handle various ad‌ loading scripts ⁣and services on a webpage. Below,⁢ I’ll summarize the main components of ⁣the code⁢ and‌ identify areas where it seems incomplete or could be improved:

### Code Breakdown

1. ‍**AdSense Removal for Mobile**: The ‌code starts by removing `.adsbygoogle` elements from the `.adsense-for-mobile` class if some condition​ is not met (not shown in the snippet).

2. **AdSense Slots Handling**:

– It checks if there are any AdSense slots on the⁢ page. ‍If there are, ​it seems ⁤preparation for further​ handling of these slots follows, but the details of that are incomplete.

3. **Adman Queue**:

⁢ ⁢- An `AdmanQueue` is⁤ created or accessed and a ⁤function to initialize ad units⁣ is set up, but the `id` and‌ height specifications are not filled in.

4. **OneSignal ⁤Initialization**:

– This part initializes the OneSignal service using a specific⁣ `appId`.

5. **Disqus Integration**:

– The Disqus configuration function is declared to set the page URL and identifier, but‌ the URL and script source are left as placeholders.

6. **Generic `asyncLoadScript` Calls**:

– Several ‍commented-out sections suggest intended calls to ‌load various scripts asynchronously, ⁤including‌ CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora, and others,⁤ with many placeholders where URLs and script sources should be defined.

7. **AdSense and Other Ad Services**:

– The code contains checks⁢ for⁢ other ‌services ‌like Glomex and Vidoomy but uses placeholders or incomplete implementations.

### Suggestions for Improvement:

1. **Complete Placeholder Values**: Review and ⁢fill in any placeholder strings (indicated by `”` without values) with the actual URLs or parameters required to correctly ⁢load scripts.

2. ⁤**Modularize Code**:‌ Consider breaking the code into smaller helper functions⁤ to ⁤improve readability and maintainability. For example, creating a function for each third-party service could simplify the structure.

3. **Error‌ Handling**: Implement error handling when ⁤loading scripts asynchronously, for example, by ⁢adding `.catch` methods to‌ handle any loading failures.

4. **Documentation**: Add comments in‍ the code to describe what each section⁤ does, especially around ‍the loading of the various ads and⁤ services, to improve understandability for other‍ developers.

5. **Checking the Ad Loading Logic**:‍ Ensure that the logic around selecting​ and loading ads is ⁤working as intended, ‌and consider adding a ‍fallback ⁣or logging mechanism to catch when ads don’t load correctly.

### Conclusion

your script ⁣contains the scaffolding for a dynamic ad loading strategy, but there are many details that need to be finalized. By following the‌ suggestions above, you can enhance its functionality‍ and reliability.

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