Germany Enforces New Border Restrictions

Dario Martini

September 10, 2024

After the ISIS attack in Solingen, the German government has taken a hard line against irregular immigration. First, the idea of ​​taking over from the United Kingdom and bringing 10,000 illegal immigrants to Rwanda. Then, yesterday, the decision to temporarily suspend the Schengen agreement and close the borders. In practice, rejections at the border are being strengthened. Germany has already informed the European Union. In short, the line of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, after years of turning a blind eye to the NGOs that bring migrants to Italy, seems to increasingly resemble Giorgia Meloni‘s approach in Italy. “We are strengthening internal security and maintaining our hard line against irregular immigration,” said Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. The controls will begin on September 16 and will last six months. The borders most affected are those with Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Poland.

Delmastro, Scholz's right turn is not surprising: Migrants? He has become Melonized

The counterpart of the Italian minister Matteo Piantedosi also reels off a series of data to make it clear how serious the problem is: “Since 16 October 2023, the federal police has detected around 52,000 unauthorized entries and carried out around 30,000 rejections at the borders with these countries. In the context of irregular migration, the overall burden on Germany must be taken into account, in particular the limited capacities of the municipalities in terms of housing, education and integration due to the admission of 1.2 million war refugees from Ukraine and other asylum seekers in recent years”. Behind these objective data, however, there are those who see a precise political strategy. Namely, the intention to stem the vertical growth of consensus of the far-right party AfD, which in recent days won its first regional election in the state of Thuringia.

AfD's victory is thanks to the left that denies the immigration chaos

And if Germany takes a tough approach, Viktor Orban’s Hungary is going further. Just yesterday it officially presented the buses that will take illegal immigrants from the border with Serbia to Brussels. The Belgian government’s reaction was immediate, calling it a “provocation”. The threat, initially launched in August, has taken on new proportions in recent days with a media operation during which a line of yellow buses from the public company was unveiled, chartered specifically for this mission, according to the government. “The EU wants to force Hungary to let in the illegal immigrants that we stop at the southern border of the country”, protested Deputy Interior Minister Bence Retvari. “Good! After applying the European procedures, we will offer them a free one-way ticket to Brussels”.

Tajani does not back down on ius scholae and prepares a bill

#Germany #closes #borders #Tempo
2024-09-13 18:51:57

**Article Title: Germany and​ Hungary Take‌ a Hard Line‍ Against Illegal Immigration: A Shift in European Policy?**

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Title: Germany and Hungary Take a Hard Line Against Illegal Immigration: A Shift in European ⁢Policy?

Meta‍ Description: Germany and ‍Hungary are cracking⁣ down ‍on illegal ‌immigration, with Germany suspending the Schengen agreement and Hungary planning to bus migrants to Brussels. ⁣Is⁣ this ‌a sign of a shifting European‌ policy on immigration?

Header Image: A relevant image with alt ⁢text “German border⁢ control” or “Illegal immigration in Europe”


In the ‍wake of the ISIS attack in Solingen, the German government has taken ⁣a⁣ firm stance against irregular immigration. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration has announced plans to temporarily suspend the Schengen agreement and ‍close the country’s borders, ‌a⁢ move that has been ‍met with mixed reactions. Meanwhile, Hungary has gone a step further, unveiling a fleet of buses to transport illegal immigrants ⁣from the Serbian border to Brussels. What does ‍this mean for ⁤European immigration policy?

Germany’s Border Control:

Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy ‌Faeser ‌has announced that the country will strengthen⁣ its internal security and take ⁣a hard line against ‍irregular immigration. This move comes after years of criticism from Italy and other European countries about Germany’s ⁤open-door policy towards migrants. ⁢The Schengen agreement suspension will⁤ affect‍ borders with Austria,⁤ Switzerland, the Czech Republic,⁣ and⁣ Poland, and will ​last ⁤for six months.

**Data Behind the

– What measures has Germany implemented to address irregular immigration in light of recent events?

Germany Takes a Hard Line Against Irregular Immigration: A Shift in Policy

A New Era of Border Control

In the wake of the ISIS attack in Solingen, the German government has taken a drastic measure to curb irregular immigration. The latest move comes after Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government announced plans to temporarily suspend the Schengen agreement and close the borders. This decision marks a significant shift in Germany’s immigration policy, which has been criticized for being too lenient in the past.

Strengthening Border Controls

The German government has informed the European Union of its decision to strengthen border controls, which will begin on September 16 and last for six months. The borders most affected are those with Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Poland. According to Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, “We are strengthening internal security and maintaining our hard line against irregular immigration.”

Data Reveals the Scale of the Problem

The German government has released data that highlights the scale of the problem. Since October 16, 2023, the federal police have detected around 52,000 unauthorized entries and carried out around 30,000 rejections at the borders with Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Poland. The data also reveals that Germany has taken in 1.2 million war refugees from Ukraine and other asylum seekers in recent years, putting a strain on local authorities in terms of housing, education, and integration.

A Political Strategy?

Behind the scenes, many believe that the German government’s decision is motivated by a desire to stem the growing popularity of the far-right party AfD. The party recently won its first regional election in the state of Thuringia, and the government may be trying to appeal to voters who are concerned about immigration.

A Shift in Policy

The German government’s decision marks a significant shift in policy, one that is reminiscent of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s approach to immigration. After years of being criticized for being too soft on immigration, Chancellor Scholz’s government is now taking a harder line. Whether this decision will be effective in reducing irregular immigration remains to be seen, but it is clear that the German government is taking a more proactive approach to addressing the issue.

Read Also

Delmastro, Scholz’s right turn is not surprising: Migrants? He has become Melonized

Germany’s Immigration Crisis: What’s Next?

Keywords: Germany, immigration, Olaf Scholz, Giorgia Meloni, AfD, Schengen agreement, border control, irregular immigration.



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