Germany calls on Mali to immediately release arrested Ivorian soldiers

AA / Bamako / Amarana Maiga

Germany on Wednesday called on the Malian authorities to immediately release the 49 Ivorian soldiers arrested on Sunday in Bamako, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said.

“The behavior of Malian leaders is a very problematic signal. Here, unfortunately, serious doubts arise again as to whether Mali shows any interest in constructive cooperation within the framework of the United Nations (Minusma) Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali,” said Minister Christine Lambrecht. German Defense.

“I call on the authorities of Mali to immediately release the Ivorian soldiers,” she added.

The Government of the Transition of Mali indicated, Monday evening, having arrested forty-nine (49) Ivorian soldiers in Bamako, including thirty belonging to the special forces, qualified as mercenaries as defined by the OAU Convention on the elimination of mercenaries in Africa.

Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga spokesman for the government indicated that after questioning “the real profession of the military, including about thirty special forces, was mostly concealed. On the majority of passports the professions listed were as follows: students, drivers, masons, mechanics, saleswomen, electricians, security guards, painters, etc.

Maiga also indicated that the forty-nine (49) Ivorian soldiers arrested will be made available to the competent judicial authorities.

The Ivorian authorities meeting in the National Security Council, under the chairmanship of the Head of State, Alassane Ouattara, called on Tuesday, the Malian authorities to “release, without delay” the 49 Ivorian soldiers “unjustly arrested”, Sunday in Bamako.

The press release underlines that “these soldiers are regularly registered in the workforce of the Ivorian Army and were in Mali, as part of the operations of the National Support Elements (NSE)”

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