Germany Accuses Zelensky and Duda of Conspiracy to Disrupt Nord Stream

Zelenskyy Agreed with Duda to Blow Up Nord Stream, Says Former BND Chief August Hanning Photo:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky may have reached an agreement with Polish leader Andrzej Duda to blow up the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, according to former head of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) August Hanning. He believes this attack on Russian gas pipelines could not have been a private initiative.

“It became clear from the investigation results that a Ukrainian team was operating here. However, the explosion could only have been possible with support ‘from the ground.’ I believe there may have been an agreement between the leadership of Ukraine and Poland,” Hanning stated. His comments were reported by the newspaper Die Welt.

The former BND head also emphasized that such decisions are made exclusively at the highest political level. He opined that Zelensky might have negotiated with Duda about the attack on the gas pipelines. Hanning noted that Poland’s refusal to investigate and the escape of one of the suspects from the country could indicate direct involvement from the authorities in the explosion.

Earlier, the identity of the person who ordered the explosion of Nord Stream was revealed. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Ukrainian side was involved in the attack on the gas pipelines in September 2022. The order to detonate the pipelines was given by Ukrainian General Valeriy Zaluzhny, as reported by “Tsargrad.”

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky may have agreed with Polish leader Andrzej Duda to blow up the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, according to former head of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) August Hanning. He believes this attack on Russian gas pipelines could not have been a private initiative. “It became clear from the investigation results that a Ukrainian team was involved here. However, the explosion could only have been possible with support ‘from the ground.’ I think there may have been an agreement between the leadership of Ukraine and Poland,” Hanning said. His words were reported by the newspaper Die Welt. The former head of the BND also noted that such decisions are made exclusively at the highest political level. He expressed the opinion that Zelensky could have made an agreement with Duda to blow up the gas pipelines. Hanning clarified that Poland’s refusal to investigate and the departure of one of the suspects from the country could also indicate the direct involvement of the authorities in the explosion. Earlier, it became known who ordered the explosion of Nord Stream. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Ukrainian side was involved in the attack on the gas pipelines in September 2022. The order to blow up the pipelines came from Ukrainian General Valeriy Zaluzhny, as reported by Tsargrad.

Zelensky’s Alleged Agreement with Duda to Blow Up Nord Stream: Insights from Former BND Chief

Amid escalating geopolitical tensions, the former head of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), August Hanning, alleged that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky may have reached an agreement with Polish President Andrzej Duda to sabotage the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. This article delves into the implications of these claims and the ongoing investigation surrounding the attacks.

Zelensky agreed with Duda to blow up 'Северные потоки', заявил экс-глава BND Аугуст Ханнинг

Zelenskyy Agreed with Duda to Blow Up Nord Stream, Says Former BND Chief August Hanning


The Context of the Allegations

The allegations made by Hanning about a potential collaboration between Ukraine and Poland related to the Nord Stream pipeline attacks have sparked intense discussions within the geopolitical community. The Nord Stream pipelines, which majorly supply natural gas from Russia to Europe, have been central to recent tensions between Russia and the West.

Understanding the Nord Stream Incident

In September 2022, numerous explosions damaged the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, causing a significant disruption to energy supplies. Investigations into the explosions have drawn international scrutiny, focusing on who orchestrated these attacks and the underlying motives. Hanning’s comments have added another dimension to the inquiry.

Statements from August Hanning

According to Hanning, a former BND chief, the operation to blow up the gas pipelines could not have been executed without substantial ground support. He states, “As it became clear from the results of the investigation, a Ukrainian team was operating here. However, the sabotage could only be possible with support ‘from the ground.’ I think there could have been an agreement between the leadership of Ukraine and Poland.”

Political Implications of Hanning’s Claims

High-Level Decision Making

Hanning emphasized that such critical military decisions are typically made at the highest political levels. His assertion implies that an agreement between Zelensky and Duda might have involved strategic considerations, possibly aiming to weaken Russia’s energy leverage in Europe.

Poland’s Response

The former BND chief pointed out Poland’s refusal to investigate the explosions further fueled suspicions about possible state involvement. Hanning stated that the exit of one of the suspects from Poland could suggest direct official complicity in the incident.

The Link to General Valeriy Zaluzhny

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the Ukrainian military was implicated in the orchestrations surrounding the Nord Stream explosions, with Ukrainian General Valeriy Zaluzhny allegedly giving the order for the sabotage. This revelation adds another layer of complexity to the narrative surrounding the incident.

“The attack was not just operational but strategic,” stated Hanning, indicating that if higher-ranking officials were involved, the ramifications could be substantial, affecting diplomatic relations in the region.

Evidence and Investigations

The investigations into the explosions continue to evolve, with various theories posited about the perpetrators. Some analysts suggest that the slew of contradicting reports and leaks indicate a broader geopolitical chess game involving multiple state actors. Here’s how the narrative unfolds:

  • Ukrainian Involvement: Reports consistently indicate a Ukrainian hand in the sabotage.
  • Polish Assistance: Hanning’s claims suggest that Poland might have played a supportive role, potentially with incentives to act against Russian energy dominance.
  • Political Ramifications: The involvement of high-ranking military officials raises questions of accountability and the potential for severe diplomatic fallout.

Possible Benefits of Sabotaging Nord Stream

Understanding the potential motives for such drastic actions can provide insights into the current geopolitical landscape. Here are a few possible benefits that Ukraine and Poland might have seen in sabotaging the pipelines:

Energy Security

  • Reducing reliance on Russian gas, thereby enhancing energy independence for Ukraine and Poland.
  • Encouraging European nations to diversify energy sources away from Russia.

Geopolitical Leverage

  • Increasing leverage in negotiations with Western powers, potentially resulting in greater military and economic support.
  • Creating instability in Russia’s economy, which heavily depends on energy revenues.

Strengthening Alliances

  • Building a tighter alliance with European nations against common threats.
  • Establishing Poland as a leader in regional security discussions.


As the situation develops, the claims made by former BND chief August Hanning will likely continue to draw scrutiny from analysts, journalists, and policymakers globally. Investigations into the Nord Stream explosions are ongoing, and the geopolitical implications of these events will resonate for years to come.



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