German Postal Law Reform: Analysis and Reactions from Verdi and SPD

2023-11-26 19:36:03

ROUNDUP: Postal law reform – Criticism of Verdi, praise of the SPD

BERLIN – While the planned reform of the outdated postal law draws criticism from the Verdi trade union, the SPD parliamentary group is supporting the project. It is good that letters continue to be delivered on six working days of the week and that Monday is not canceled, Federal MP Sebastian Roloff told the German Press Agency on Sunday. As rapporteur of the SPD parliamentary group for the Postal Act, he will play a central role in the upcoming parliamentary negotiations. The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs published its reform proposal on Friday.

La Poste reacts with reservation to plans to reform the postal market

BERLIN – Deutsche Post has reacted with reservation to the plans for reform of the postal law presented by the ministry. The project recognizes certain realities, she said in a statement Friday evening. People’s communication behavior has changed and the volume of letters is in sharp decline. The company views with a critical eye the provisions by which the government intends to strengthen competition between postal services. According to the company, it is not yet possible to assess whether the project allows the post office to provide an economically viable universal service.

The boss of Bayer: too little investment in pharmaceutical research in the past

LONDON/LEVERKUSEN – Bayer boss Bill Anderson attributes the pharmaceutical branch’s weak product pipeline, following the sudden halt of a major study, to a lack of investment in the past. “We had a few years of underinvestment until around 2018,” said the boss of the Dax group in an interview with the “Financial Times” (“FT”/Sunday). During this period, Bayer did not research new molecules and pursue truly important goals. As a result, the pipeline of highly developed drugs is thin compared to the patents that will expire in the coming years. He cannot correct what was not done eight or ten years ago.

VW managers can no longer accumulate unlimited vacation entitlements

WOLFSBURG – The car manufacturer Volkswagen is adapting its leave rules for members of management to those for conventional employees. Until now, the rule was that managers did not have to take their annual leave in the same year as other VW employees. They might also save them without limit until a later date. This will end in 2024, as the magazine “Der Spiegel” first reported on Saturday. “With the new regulations for managers, we are aligning with the leave regulations in the area of ​​​​collective agreements,” said a VW spokesperson interviewed by dpa. It is also regarding standardizing processes in the personnel area.

Genilke wants to commit to stopping main lines at Tesla

POTSDAM – Brandenburg’s new Transport Minister Rainer Genilke (CDU) wants to commit to a stopping point for main lines at the site of the American electric car manufacturer Tesla in Grünheide (Oder-Spree) . Around 11,000 people currently work there and not all of them live in the immediate vicinity of the factory site, Genilke told the newspapers “Nordkurier” and “Der Prignitzer” (Saturday). “Here, fast long-distance connections, for example through an additional stop of Eurocity trains to Poland, are also in demand.”

ROUNDUP: Shisha sector under pressure – demand for legal tobacco declines

BERLIN/LONSEE – The consequences of a packaging regulation are putting the German shisha industry to the test. After a collapse in turnover in 2022, companies are suffering losses once more this year, as figures from the Federal Statistical Office show. According to these figures, the weight of taxed waterpipe tobacco fell by 16 percent in the first ten months of 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year, to reach 688 tonnes. The reason is a new regulation banning the sale of large packages. Demand for permitted small packaging is low, as they are relatively expensive.

ICE line between Koln and Frankfurt closed for a week

KÖLN/FRANKFURT – Due to roadworks, the ICE line between Koln and Frankfurt is closed for a week. The measure began as planned on Saturday morning, a railway spokeswoman said. “The adaptation has worked well so far.”

Sports betting provider Entain wants to pay a multi-million fine

LONDON – Sports betting provider Entain is set to pay more than half a billion pounds to end a corruption investigation. An agreement with the British financial authority HMRC provides for the payment of 585 million pounds (674 million euros), the company announced on Friday. The company offers sports betting and gaming through various brands, including Ladbrokes, Corel and bwin.


No more news

-ROUNDUP 3: End of brakes on energy prices at the end of the year

-TV audience rate: ZDF crime film in the lead – lots of interest in special programs on Israel

-Iran: a newspaper critical of the government accused of moral outrage.

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