Germán Paoloski was surprised when Sabrina Garciarena told him that she felt things when kissing an actor

Active in theater constructions Mothers, Sabrina Garciarena went to his partner’s TV show, German Paoloski, and dislocated him in the air by confessing that when kissing an actor he felt things. The reaction of the driver It’s not too late it was hilarious.


German Paoloski: -At some point, kissing an actor, you kissed many and very facheros, did you get confused?

“Kissing an actor, you kissed many and very facheros, did you get confused?” Asked Germán. And Sabrina put him off: “Yes. Obvious.”

Sabrina Garciarena: -Yes. Obvious.

Paoloski: -With whom? Was it before or when you were with me?

Garciarena: -No, before. It was all 13 years ago. I started working when I was 14 years old. I worked with many colleagues and obviously what happened to me.

“Everything was 13 years ago. I started working at 14 years old. I worked with many colleagues and obviously it happened to me.”


With humor and with the complicity of being interviewed by her partner, the father of her children Leon, Beltran y Mia, Sabrina Garciarena took advantage of the hand to ask the bone a question German Paoloski.

“Do you talk to an ex from time to time? Girlfriends were few, but there are ex”, shot the actress, without filter.

“Not regularly. There, at some point, I can speak for something specific. But I have no dialogue, “replied the driver, forcefully. And he added: “We have crossed paths with one.” And Garciarena limited, mischievous: “Yes, I have no problems, but I like to know.”

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