German Interior Minister announces stationary border controls

2023-09-22 19:33:46

Such additional controls would have to go hand in hand with the surveillance of the entire border area by the veil search, the SPD politician told “Welt am Sonntag”. To this end, she has already increased the presence of the federal police on the Polish and Czech borders.

However, one should not suggest that asylum seekers will no longer come as soon as there are stationary border controls. Faeser is also aiming to deploy federal police officers on Czech territory. Arrangements for this have already been made. Faeser also called for closer cooperation with Turkey on migration issues. At the moment the EU agreement with Turkey is not working well enough.

The deputy chairwoman of the CSU/CSU parliamentary group, Andrea Lindholz (CSU), asked Faeser to present a timetable in “Bild”. “If the minister’s announcement that she now wants to introduce border controls on the German-Polish and German-Czech borders is not an election campaign stunt, then I expect Faeser to put a timetable on the table for this by Monday at the latest.” She is surprised that the announcement was not made in the Bundestag and asks herself: “When did she make the necessary notification in Brussels? Has the federal police already been informed? When will these border controls be set up? Are there already readmission agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic?” She also wanted to know whether the entire government supported the decision – including the Greens.


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#German #Interior #Minister #announces #stationary #border #controls

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