German husband and wife from Italy

German husband and wife from Italy

A German couple was deported from Italy for making coffee and fined 950 euros.

A German couple visiting the historic city of Venice, Italy, wanted to rest by the famous Rialto Bridge and took out a gas stove and a coffee pot from their travel bags and started making coffee there. .

A local passer-by informed the police, who arrested the two and took them to the police station and the couple was fined and deported.

According to new laws coming into effect in Italy, nothing can be done at or near any historical site that risks damaging the site. Declaring violation of the law as a crime, penalties and fines have also been prescribed for it. Foreign tourists also come under this law and are punished with fines as well as deportation.

There are many places in Italy, especially Venice, which have been given the status of World Heritage under UNESCO. Locals have complained that tourists who come there dive in the historic canals, wash clothes under ancient fountains and walk around in inappropriate clothes, while not shying away from damaging historical sites for their entertainment.

In response to these complaints, Venice’s local government has drawn up rules that have been in effect since May this year. Since then, this is the fortieth incident of non-local tourists visiting the city of Badri.

#German #husband #wife #Italy
2024-08-31 22:41:36



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