Germán Chiaraviglio told how his life changed and shook up local Olympics | After winning a silver medal in 2023, he was diagnosed with kidney disease

A few days prior to the commencement of the Paris Olympic Games, pole vaulter German Chiaraviglio, who won a silver medal at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games, disclosed that he is grappling with an autoimmune disease that impacts kidney function.

“The Olympic Games are starting soon, and I felt compelled to share these words…” begins the message Chiaraviglio posted on his Instagram account to recount the health issue he is facing.

After securing my silver medal at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games and experiencing one of the most beautiful moments of my life, one of the worst moments I have ever faced began,” the pole vaulter conveyed.

According to his statement, he discovered he was suffering from a kidney problem after visiting the doctor and undergoing tests for a headache that had been bothering him. “I began consultations, and with further tests, they indicated that I had severe kidney failure,” he explained.

At that moment, the athlete continued, “my world fell apart; the upcoming scenarios were uncertain and complex, and suddenly, I went from feeling like a strong and ‘healthy’ athlete to feeling like someone with a pathology and physically weak. (and of course, from that point, emotionally too). It felt as though I transformed into another person in an instant.”

In the past few months, Chiaraviglio confessed, “were incredibly tough, with numerous medical consultations, new concepts, and a new lifestyle while trying to understand what was happening to me, filled with a thousand questions and doubts.”

Ultimately, after undergoing a biopsy, it was confirmed that he has an autoimmune disease that affects kidney function. “A new life partner, unwanted, but it will now be part of my daily burden,” he said.

Despite the kidney issues, “I tried to keep training—sometimes more, sometimes less,” although “it was very hard to concentrate; I was deeply affected and couldn’t perform as I intended,” he admitted. “The only certainty I had was that moving was always better than being still. Nonetheless, it was quite challenging,” the athlete added.

At the conclusion of his message, Chiaraviglio stated that after starting treatment with many pills, along with some anticipated side effects, he is eager to “get everything sorted.”

What lies ahead? What will it be like? Not just from a health standpoint but also from a professional perspective, “that activity which has accompanied and defined me for over 20 years,” the pole vaulter expressed on Instagram, indicating that “there are still no answers, or perhaps there are some, but it’s not the time to demand them from me.”

“It’s time to navigate through what I need to do and to acknowledge my new reality. Like every challenge I’ve encountered throughout my life, now is the moment to tackle a new one,” concluded Chiaraviglio, who expressed gratitude to his family and friends, reminding that “this is neither an end nor a beginning” but rather “just another chapter” in his ongoing story, which he continues to write day by day.”

German Chiaraviglio: The Olympic Pole Vaulter’s Battle with Autoimmune Disease

A few days before the start of the Paris Olympic Games, German Chiaraviglio, the silver medal winner at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games, shared his personal struggle with a serious health issue. He revealed that he suffers from an autoimmune disease that affects kidney function.

Chiaraviglio’s Touching Instagram Message

“The Olympic Games are starting soon and I felt like writing these words…” began Chiaraviglio in his heartfelt Instagram post. This message conveyed the emotional rollercoaster he has endured over the past few months due to his health condition.

From Triumph to Tribulation

Chiaraviglio expressed, “After winning my silver medal at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games and experiencing one of the most beautiful moments of my life, one of the worst moments I have ever experienced began.” His journey took an unexpected turn when he started to experience persistent headaches, prompting him to seek medical attention.

Discovering Kidney Problems

Chiaraviglio underwent a series of medical tests to address his headaches, leading to an alarming diagnosis. “With additional studies, they indicated that I had severe kidney failure,” he explained. This revelation created a sense of devastation for the athlete, as he went from feeling like a strong and healthy competitor to grappling with a serious health issue.

Understanding Autoimmune Disease

Chiaraviglio’s condition involves an autoimmune disease affecting kidney function, which implies that his immune system is mistakenly attacking his own body. This type of disease can lead to significant complications and demands ongoing management. Chiaraviglio shared, “My world fell apart; the scenarios that were coming were uncertain and complex.”

The Aftermath: Coping with Change

The months following his diagnosis were a struggle for the pole vaulter. “Many medical consultations, new concepts, and a new life trying to understand what was happening to me, with a thousand questions and doubts,” he confessed. Chiaraviglio recognized that he needed to make adjustments in both his professional and personal life.

Personal Reflections

He emphasized, “Suddenly, I transformed into another person.” This transformation occurred not only physically but also emotionally, as Chiaraviglio navigated through the complexities of living with a chronic illness.

Adapting Training to New Reality

Despite his kidney problems, Chiaraviglio tried to maintain his training regimen. He stated, “I tried to keep training, sometimes more, sometimes less. It was very difficult to focus.” The athlete admitted that the psychological toll of his condition impacted his performance significantly. However, he believed that “moving was always better than not moving.”

Starting a New Treatment

Chiaraviglio began a rigorous treatment routine involving multiple medications, which came with their own set of side effects. He expressed hope for the future, saying he wanted to “put everything in order” despite the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Facing the Future

“What will come? What will it be like?” he questioned, not only from a health perspective but also from a professional one. He acknowledged that this journey was not just about the challenges of his health but also about the impact on his athletic career, one that had encompassed over 20 years of hard work and dedication.

A Chapter, Not the End

In his conclusion, Chiaraviglio stated, “This is neither an end nor a beginning, but rather one more chapter in my story, which I continue to write day by day.” His message was a powerful reminder of resilience and determination—a celebration of the tenacity of athletes facing adversities.

Benefits of Raising Awareness

  • Promotes understanding of autoimmune diseases.
  • Encourages athletes to prioritize health over competition.
  • Builds a supportive community for those facing similar challenges.

Practical Tips for Athletes Facing Health Challenges

  1. Seek Medical Advice: Regular check-ups and consultations can help identify issues early.
  2. Stay Informed: Understand your condition, treatment options, and potential side effects.
  3. Maintain a Support Network: Engage family, friends, and fellow athletes for emotional and practical support.
  4. Prioritize Mental Health: Engage in activities that bring joy and alleviate stress.
  5. Adapt Training When Necessary: Modify your training based on health advice; listen to your body.

First-Hand Experience: Chiaraviglio’s Journey

Chiaraviglio’s openness about his struggles serves as an inspiration to many. His determination to continue training and competing despite his diagnosis emphasizes the importance of resilience in sports. By sharing his story, he encourages others to find strength in adversity, making his journey both relatable and motivational for athletes at all levels.



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