Georgina shamelessly and boldly confesses.. That’s what I do all night with Cristiano on the bed and the kids are sleeping!! (Details that will shock you)

It’s 07:10 pm
Island Bay | Follow Favorite

It seems that international supermodel Georgina Rodriguez has decided to reveal her sexuality with Portuguese player Cristiano Ronaldo, as she will reveal secrets about them for the first time.

Previously, Georgina Rodriguez, girlfriend of Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo, announced the release of a realistic documentary film about her professional and private life with Cristiano Ronaldo.

Georgina appeared for 27 seconds and said, “A lot of people know my name, but few people know who I am.”

The documentary film consists of 6 episodes.

And about Ronaldo’s appearance in the film, Alvaro Diaz had said: “Cristiano Ronaldo will appear in the film, but it will be to complete the vision of who Georgina is and her relationship with the father of her children. A major focus will be on Georgina’s life and success as a businesswoman.”

The documentary dealt with the events of the first meeting between Georgina and Ronaldo, who says in one of the clips: “The day I met Cristiano was a Thursday in the summer, as I was leaving my job when there was a handsome man about two meters tall.”

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