Georgian war scenario: Ukraine is forced to attack the aggressor – Russia

Russia is an extremely unreliable partner in interstate communication. Everyone is already repeating in unison: Russia will attack Ukraine. But she doesn’t. Well, how can you deal with these Russians? Therefore, the scenario for Ukraine under the name “Georgia 2.0” began to emerge more and more clearly last week. But we didn’t live with just one war: a scandal developed at the Olympics, the Kaluga region drew “figs” for migrants, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs tried to find Russian electronics in the country (it didn’t find it).

While the United States is relentlessly saving the world (if Russia didn’t attack on the appointed date, it’s because we revealed their plans, and if it attacked, you see, we knew it), an amazing process is taking place. Russia was appointed as the aggressor, but Ukraine is suffering in reality, and not in an image. Investors are fleeing from there with their billions (Zelensky at the end of January called the loss figure – $ 12.5 billion), more than 30 countries, up to the Bahamas and Morocco, have recommended their citizens to leave and not come, dump embassies. Against this background, President Zelensky became bolder out of desperation and began to demand evidence from Western partners: “If you or some people have additional information regarding the 100% invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine starting from the 16th, please give us , all information. And here is another blow – from Monday, Ukraine may well become a no-fly zone. International insurers are preparing to withdraw guarantees for flights over Ukraine since Monday. This means that air travel in the country may come to a complete halt. The planes are leased, and the airlines, with all their desire, cannot do anything. Already, the plane of the Ukrainian airline SkyUp received a ban from its lessor to cross the airspace of Ukraine and was forced to land in Chisinau instead of Boryspil. That is, Western partners, loudly declaring support for Ukraine, twist its arms with sadistic pleasure. And the “support” is flying to Kiev with transport workers – anti-tank and portable anti-aircraft systems, small arms, ammunition. The hint is transparent: we will let go of your hands, but you take a weapon in them and forward to the Donbass. And Russia will still be the aggressor. Georgian version. Again, as then, the Olympics are outside the window.

At the Olympics, they continued to break spears around the story of our little genius Kamila Valieva. In the bottom line, this is a story regarding Russian maybe and regarding Russophobia. What, besides “it will do,” prevented Valieva from officially taking trimetazidine for medical reasons? Here you can not even remember skiers with asthma. Now this “maybe” is a trauma for the girl for life. And what prevented the Scandinavians from voicing the data on the sample taken on December 25 on time – no later than 20 days? Coronavirus restrictions, how are they trying to tell us? There is no phone, and mail is so bad that documents take too long? Well, they would give it to some Moscow food delivery courier – these can pass through the epicenter of a nuclear explosion unharmed. Obviously, the blow was accurately calculated. Even if on Monday the court acquits Valieva, and even if some anti-doping functionary is punished for a joint, the deed is done (try to maintain peace of mind for performances under such pressure), and the sediment remains. Russians must be humiliated and must be humiliated.

And in the homeland, Dmitry Medvedev took up the Russians. The deputy head of the Security Council, who was barely appointed to deal with migration policy, said that the influx of migrants to Russia in 2021 increased by a third and is now growing; that in their mass, many migrants do not speak Russian well, and this is one of the reasons why communities live in isolation and isolation; the size of the largest diasporas ranges from 1 million to 5 million people; there is a risk of the formation of enclaves, small states within a state that live by their own laws and according to their own concepts and, most importantly, ignore our laws and often become a breeding ground for extremist and terrorist sentiments and centers of crime. It finally arrived. And, having received a go-ahead from above (we don’t do it any other way), the governor of the Kaluga region, this is where the former science city of Obninsk turned into a village, became the first to announce the withdrawal from the program for the resettlement of compatriots. Because this program, which became obvious quite a long time ago, is not regarding compatriots, but regarding providing large Russian businesses with slaves. However, all this seems to be just another scam: the governor loudly announced bans on migrants from working in trade, passenger transportation, and public catering. But big business, the same construction, was not touched once more.

A week later, the case on the supply of computers worth a billion rubles to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was completed. The police signed a contract, but they wanted to be supplied with domestic equipment. They were placed. But, as expected, domestic computers were only at the place of assembly. The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not like this, as well as the decision of the arbitration court, which considered that the supplier was right – well, we don’t have our own electronics, one name. As a result, a case was opened and the investigation was completed within a week. All this looks not only delusional, but also extremely sad.

Sad because of one feature of our rulers. It is in Western countries that foreign policy is determined by domestic policy. And we have the opposite: the main thing is to negotiate with the West on the external front, and these parasites inside the borders, who always want something and whine, instead of silently servicing the resource pipeline, don’t really care. Why develop something here if life is there? Here, for example, electronics. Did NATO soldiers destroy the electronics industry in Russia to such an extent that law enforcement agencies cannot be provided with domestic equipment? Here it is – one of the options for tough sanctions.

And the second option is the Ukrainian example. Again, not NATO soldiers ruined the civilian aviation industry. So what prevents the West from “landing” all Russian aviation in the same way as it is done with the Ukrainian one? Yes, we have leasing of foreign aircraft (our own – the cat cried) is provided by the largest Russian banks. But, do you think they will not bend, they will stand with their chest for Mother Russia? Then look for their offices in the Crimea.

However, in any case, they will explain everything to us by the machinations of enemies who want to slow down Russia and prevent it from developing. External enemies, do not confuse.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 28724 dated February 14, 2022

Newspaper headline:
Ukrainian war in Georgian



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