Georgiadis: My Vision for Revolutionizing Nursing Care

“The nurses are absolutely right to ask me to deal with them too and I will do it. Problems are solved one by one, you can’t solve them all together. Now we are dealing with the part that we had the biggest problem with, the shortage of medical personnel.

I accept that nurses are also unfair and underpaid and I have different thoughts about this. Nothing will change dramatically, we don’t have such capabilities, but nurses are also very much on the radar,” the Minister of Health initially stated, while clarifying that independent taxation does not make sense for nurses as they do not reach the salary limits of doctors.

Regarding the salaries of doctors in the National Health Service, he pointed out that they are now good for Greek standards, with a supervisor B earning up to 4,500 euros gross. “We are not Switzerland either,” he emphasized.

Regarding the emergency services, he said that “the proposals of EINAP are being evaluated”, while he pointed out that “ESY has always had problems and will have them”. “I study all the systems of Europe, we are not as worse than others, as we think. In Germany, which had the shortest waiting times, due to a lack of doctors, they are recommending a merger of hospitals,” he said, as an example.

“My goal is to reduce the average waiting time in emergency rooms. I want and fight for it. We have been working on this for 2 months. I believe that in 1-1.5 months I will be able to present the plan”, he continued. “With the plan we’re preparing, I think the world will see a noticeable improvement in 2025. It could drop the average time to 1.5 hours down.”

Speaking finally about the unionists, he wondered how it is possible for health to collapse in 2024 with more doctors, more nurses and more budgets.

“Because the SSY hurts all of us, politically it is very easy to show off. When the left was first in power, these are all leftists, they took it easy. Now that ND is in power, they say how are we going to eat Mitsotakis? With the NSS. And they are heavy. This is done. I am not saying that everything is going perfectly, but that everything is not going badly”, he said finally.

NHS: Free cataract operations in private hospitals – Personal pediatricians for 50,000 children

The road map of the priorities for the reconstruction of public health was presented yesterday by the political leadership of the Ministry of Health.

The main axes, which the Minister of Health focused on Adonis Georgiadisthe Deputy Minister of Health, Irini Agapidakis and the Deputy Minister of Health, Marios Themistocleousis the effort to reorganize the long-suffering Primary Health Care, and the actions to speed up the service times of citizens in interventions, where long waits are observed over time.

In particular, with the creation of the “Personal Pediatrician” institution, the needs of 500,000 children, i.e. approximately one third of the country’s child population, will be met. The goal is for every child to have a personal doctor who will monitor their health from birth to adulthood. The new institution aims at prevention, better coordination of medical services and strengthening the health of children at an early stage, which is considered critical for the overall health of the population.

The personal pediatricians will join the Health Centers and will undertake the regular monitoring of the children, such as vaccinations, regular check-ups and preventive measures. This measure aims to meet the needs of both large urban centers and the most remote areas.

Another important measure of the new bill is the expansion of telemedicine services throughout the state. 3,500 telemedicine points will be created to facilitate home care and chronic disease management.

These points will allow for better monitoring of patients from a distance, while providing immediate access to specialists, especially in areas where health services are more limited.

As part of efforts to reduce waiting lists for surgical operations, the Ministry of Health announced the possibility of free cataract operations through a special voucher system. With this system, patients who are on a waiting list of more than four months will be able to undergo cataract surgery in a public or private hospital, free of charge. It is noted that around 20,000 citizens are currently waiting for cataract surgery.

The voucher program will be funded through the free surgeries program, from the Recovery Fund through the €51 million funding that has been committed to it overall. The health minister also referred to the free afternoon surgeries, which are part of 48 public hospitals, offering patients the opportunity to undergo operations at no extra cost.

This initiative is expected to benefit 37,000 patients by 2025.


With his changes YOU the new financial incentives for doctors were also presented. As is already known, doctors serving in barren areas and in specialties with low coverage will receive additional benefits of up to 600 euros per month, while their on-call services will be taxed independently at a rate of 22%, thus increasing their net earnings by 100-200 euros monthly.

Also, an additional 10% increase in the salaries of NHS doctors is foreseen, while bonuses of 30,000 euros are offered to young doctors who choose specialties such as general medicine or pathology.

It is noted that approximately 12,500 positions have been announced and remain unfilled.


Mr. Themistokleous presented detailed data on the state of the NHS, disproving accusations that the Health System is “collapsing”.

The NHS currently serves 80,000 citizens daily through 100 hospitals and 300 Health Centers, while the medical staff has increased by 7,866 people since 2019.

In particular, 86,138 workers now serve in the NHS, compared to 78,272 in 2019. He also cited as an example the Evangelismos and Hippocrates hospitals, which have been strengthened with 165 and 190 additional doctors, respectively.

Finally, the Ministry of Health is proceeding with the implementation of the DRG system, which will change the way public hospitals are financed, based on the work they produce.

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#Georgiadis #doctors #deal #nurses



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