Georgiadis for SYRIZA: Kasselakis will not be president for much longer VIDEO

Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis on current affairs.

“Athina Linou is not my friend, but a political opponent, but when one person comes out and slanders another, the other must prove that he is not an elephant,” said Mr. Georgiadis and emphasized that “the SYRIZA he bathes in polarization and good luck.” At the same time, he expressed his appreciation that Mr Stefanos Kasselakis he will not be president for much longer in the Official Opposition party, while he commented on the positive attitude that Mr. Kasselakis has taken towards Pavlos Polakis since the day he deleted him.

“If Kasselakis adopts the complaints Polaki and delete it Linenwho is the leader of SYRIZA? Kasselakis or Polakis? If you delete Polakis from the party now because Polakis swears, what will Polakis say? “I discovered the corruption and these corrupt people cover up the corruption”. Cliff front and stream behind. Why did all this happen? Because Mr. Kasselakis was never capable of being a leader,” said Mr. Georgiadis.

Regarding SYRIZA’s criticism of the government for dealing with the fires, Mr. Georgiadis said that “the reality is that we absorbed 1% for Civil Protection with 87% contracting. What does this mean? From the moment you start receiving what you have ordered – because you pay as soon as you receive them – the absorption can go from 1 to 87. The orders for everything that Mr. Kasselakis announced yesterday have been placed and have already been included in the AEGIS program.”

Georgiadis: “The image of the collapse of the NHS is false”

“Is there a National Health System in the world that does not have problems?” Adonis Georgiadis then asked himself, when the discussion turned to health issues. “You are not going to hear about the thousands of cases that are treated every day and get better, but if the slightest deviation occurs, then everyone automatically “eats” me or the SSY. The truth is that the image of the collapse of the NHS is false”, as he characteristically noted, bringing some examples from current events:

Referring to the complaints about a tourist in Volos who died, he explained that this lady was attacked in a tavern on Sunday. “Has there ever been a weekend doctor in a regional clinic in the National Health Service? Since the establishment of the National Health Service, there is no doctor in the regional clinic on the weekend. The area is covered by the nearest Health Center. This has been true since the late Gennimatas, since Paraskeias Avgerinos. It hasn’t changed,” said Mr. Georgiadis.

“The nurse from the regional clinic went with all the equipment to do CPR within 3 minutes, unfortunately the lady had suffered a severe seizure, the ambulance came from Domokos in 20 minutes. The lady died because she could not be saved,” continued Mr. Georgiadis, explaining that he cannot go into details due to medical confidentiality.

Regarding the case of a pregnant woman from Preveza, Mr. Georgiadis said that the Preveza hospital decided that because it was a “serious incident” that it was not safe to give birth there and that a hospital with a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was needed. Mr. Georgiadis said that the pregnant woman was taken to Larissa accompanied by a qualified gynecologist-obstetrician and with specialized equipment, not a rural doctor, and that her waters finally broke and she was taken to Trikala.

Finally, according to iefimerida, Mr. Georgiadis, referring to an incident involving a doctor from Samos, said he did not suffer a stroke. “She was on call like many doctors in regional hospitals and not only are they on call, most of them were on call, she wasn’t at the hospital, she was from her home,” said Mr. Georgiadis, admitting that there are problems on the island and that demanded the resignation of the Commander.

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#Georgiadis #SYRIZA #Kasselakis #president #longer #VIDEO



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