Georgia Farmland Protection: Senate Bill 420 and Foreign Investor Restrictions

2024-02-15 04:52:00

ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) – State lawmakers want to keep foreign investors from purchasing Georgia farmland.

Senate Bill 420 would make it a felony for investors to purchase farmland if they have ties with any countries deemed adversarial by the Department of Commerce.

Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper has been vocal in pushing lawmakers to act quickly.

“We can’t be the best state for business if the number one industry in our state isn’t successful. We can’t ensure that our kids have healthy foods in their school and that they have clothes on their backs if agriculture isn’t successful,” said Harper.

Harper feels foreign investors pose a threat to the livelihood of farmers and national security.

Harper’s office reports that roughly 2,000 acres of farmland in Georgia is owned by companies with ties to adversarial nations. This includes Henry County where Jake Carter is a fifth-generation farmer.

“Farmers in general have a tough row to hoe. We face adverse conditions, climate, disease, and outside pressures. When you have foreign investors come in that makes it an even harder position for Georgia agriculture. We are here. We dont want to go anywhere. We want to remain on our land we want the farmers in America to continue producing,” said Carter.

12 states enacted similar laws last year. Florida’s bill that mirrors the proposal here in Georgia is held up in a discrimination lawsuit.

At a bill hearing on Wednesday, critics of the bill offered suggestions. Some wanted changes, others wanted it to be killed altogether.

Thông Phan with Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta said the bill is constitutionally vague and would perpetuate dangerous stereotypes.

“we find this bill deeply troubling… This feeds into anti-Chinese hysteria while achieving no measurable benefits to national security,” said Phan.

Bill sponsor Sen. Jason Anavitarte listened to the feedback and will now have time to change or present the bill for a vote as is.

#Lawmakers #seek #limit #purchase #Georgia #farmland



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