“Georges-Louis Bouchez’s strategy is to seduce Flanders to make himself indispensable to the federal government in 2024”

Monday, the president of MR Georges-Louis Bouchez announced his participation in the reality show “Special Forces: who dares wins”, on VTM. This Tuesday, in the LN24 program “Il faut qu’on parle”, Frédéric Chardon, political journalist at La Libre Belgique, and Olivier Maingain, mayor of Woluwe-Saint-Lambert and former president of Défi, spoke of the growing participation policies to this kind of programming.

For Olivier Maingain, the policy is not moving in the right direction. “If you tweet all the time like some politicians to comment more than to propose and find answers to citizens’ expectations, at some point, there will be a phenomenon of weariness. This does not advance democracy.

Frédéric Chardon believes that Georges-Louis Bouchez’s current tactic is to please in Flanders. “And it works to death”, begins the political journalist of La Libre. “He wants the MR to stay in power at the Federal and how to stay in power at the Federal for a party like the MR? It is by seducing Flanders, which has had its heart beating on the right for a long time.

An attempt at seduction which must not please the Open VLD, the Flemish sister party of MR, Frédéric Chardon even considering that it is a very big problem for them. “VSIt caused quite an incredible crisis a few weeks ago in the liberal family.he journalist recalled that the Open VLD had little appreciated the rather hostile remarks towards Alexander De Croo made by Georges-Louis Bouchez on the sets and in political broadcasts. “Obviously this poses a problem for them and this strategy for 2024 by Georges-Louis Bouchez is to make himself indispensable to power at the federal level.



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