“Georges-Louis Bouchez barks, the government is moving forward”: atmosphere between Jean-Marc Nollet and the president of MR, a few hours from a very important Codeco

For Jean-Marc Nollet, safeguarding the portfolio of Belgian citizens requires two priorities. The first is to expand and make the social tariff permanent. The second is to organize solidarity to finance this measure: “Multinational energy companies make indecent profits. They must be redistributed so as to reduce bills”, indicates the co-president of Ecolo.

The latter scratches Georges-Louis Bouchez, who had affirmed on the contrary that it was necessary to “reassure the markets”: “No, we must reform the mechanisms of formation of energy prices. It is not up to the citizens to pay for a neoliberal system that is completely drifting”, proclaims the ecologist.

He recognizes, however, that the taxation of superprofits will not be an easy task, but he affirms that a path remains possible: “Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten has tabled proposals which are unanimous today”, affirms- he.

Jean-Marc Nollet also took advantage of this forum to reiterate the urgency of the energy transition: “The question of the energy bill and the question of temperature are linked. The origin of these two problems is hydrocarbons. We must both protect citizens and accelerate the transition,” he said. According to him, the spectacular rise in electricity prices “automatically” makes renewable energy competitive: “The North Sea will be our powerhouse of the 21st century. And some, in MR in particular, remain stuck in the 20th” , he vilifies.

In this regard, he openly denounces the “disrespectful” behavior of the President of the MR towards Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Minister Tinne Van der Straeten: “He undermines Belgium’s ability to act at European level. What matters to me is that the government continues to move forward,” he said. “Georges-Louis Bouchez is barking, the government is moving forward,” firmly concludes the co-president of Ecolo.

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