Genoa, the dem Ermini at the head of Spinelli’s holding. Pd in ​​a tailspin: inappropriate –

A dramatic turn of events in Liguria. After former governor Giovanni Toti, terminal operator and port entrepreneur Aldo Spinelli has also presented, through his lawyers, a request to revoke his house arrest, a precautionary measure in force since May 7 in the corruption investigation and to which he is subjected on charges of having paid bribes to the former president of the Region in exchange for favors on strategic port practices for the entrepreneur. The investigating judge will rule on both cases in 5 days. In Spinelli’s case, the lawyers have highlighted that the needs have ceased to exist: the port entrepreneur, having changed the board of his company Spinivest srl, no longer holds positions. The presidency goes to David Ermini, a lawyer, former PD deputy and former vice president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary.

The clinking of Ligurian handcuffs reopens the construction site of the Center. Ferment in Action

Alessandro Vaccaro and Andrea Vernazza are asking that the terminal operator be released from detention, especially considering the recomposition of the board of Spinivest srl. The choice fell on two figures of guarantee who, according to the defense, should remove any danger of repetition of the crime of corruption, identified so far by the preliminary investigation judge and then by the Review Court. The president of the company will be, in fact, the criminal lawyer David Ermini, a centre-left MP, current member of the national management of the Democratic Party and above all former vice president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary. Nicola Scodnik also enters the holding company as a director. A criminal lawyer, secretary of the Ligurian Criminal Chamber, a colleague of Vaccaro, Scodnik in the proceedings in which Spinelli is involved assists the editor of Primocanale Maurizio Rossi, accused of illicit financing of Giovanni Toti’s party. The third member of the board, the only one confirmed, is Vittorio Gattone.

Toti asks for the revocation of house arrest: the ball is in the prosecutors' court and then in the judge's court

Ermini’s choice has already triggered a political short circuit within the Ligurian Democratic Party and beyond. As reported by Il Secolo XIX, yesterday evening Davide Natale, secretary of the Liguria Democratic Party, signed a note on Ermini’s nomination. “We learned from the newspapers with amazement and perplexity of the nomination of David Ermini at the top of the Spinelli Group holding. An exclusively personal and professional choice, which we consider inappropriate in the context in which it is placed with an open judicial investigation into a system that we fought and that has had negative repercussions on Genoa and Liguria”, he declared.

#Genoa #dem #Ermini #Spinellis #holding #tailspin #inappropriate #Tempo
2024-08-01 10:30:59



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