Gennuso’s last speech at the opening of sessions of the Bariloche Council

Mayor Gustavo Gennuso gives his last speech at the opening of ordinary sessions of the Municipal Council at the Sarmiento Library.

The Minister of Works and Public Services of Río Negro, Carlos Valeri, the Ombudsman of Bariloche, Analía Woloszczuk, officials of the Municipal Executive, members of the Comptroller’s Court and leaders of various unions participate in the event.

First, the president of the Municipal Council, Natalia Almonacid, formally opened the session. Then it was the mayor’s turn.

«This is my eighth session opening. In this, the emotions are mixed with the intellect. When I was elaborating these words, I thought that this speech would have a certain farewell tone and it is quite the opposite. It is regarding gratitude, balance and continuity, “Gennuso began by saying.

He thanked the citizens and officials but highlighted the support of “The two governors, Alberto (Weretilneck) and Arabela (Carreras)” and his family with a very personal tone.

«This closure leads me to take stock. What leaves our government? These years we have shown as Barilochenses that our city is viable. What has a future We can say that our city is not only viable but that it is one of the largest cities in Patagonia”, he mentioned and added: “We are a town that has shown that it can get ahead with its own efforts. The recipe: planning, work, conviction and love. It makes no sense to list actions. Now we have to go for more to build a better future. Today the heart rules, not the reason«.

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