Genneia agreed with a Danish company for the supply of wind turbines

The national firm Genneia signed a contract with Vestas to the manufacture and maintenance of wind turbines of the “La Elbita” wind farm 42 kilometers south of the city of Tandil, Buenos Aires. These are 36 wind turbines that together will have a power of 162 MW. They will be located on a 1,464-hectare plot.

The agreement with Vestas contemplates the provision of operation services, preventive and corrective maintenance and availability guarantee for 25 years, of the V150 wind turbines of 4.5 MW each. In this way, “energy production will be optimized and at the same time long-term commercial certainty between the two companies“, they stressed from Genneia.

The entry into operation of the park is scheduled for mid-2024 with the aim of «meet the energy demand of large users within the framework of the Term Market for Renewable Energies (Mater)”, they marked.

Its development will require investment of more than 240 million dollars. These were obtained by the company through the issuance of negotiable obligations classified as green bonds.

The project also contemplates the construction of an Electrical Transformer Station that will allow to evacuate the energy generated by the park to a point of interconnection to the SADI. This is the Numancia 33/132 kV Transformer Station, which has not yet been built, linked by a line opening to the Tandil-Necochea 132 kV LAT.

“We are proud to work once more with Vestas for the supply, installation and maintenance of 36 4.5 MW wind turbines for the La Elbita Wind Farm,” said Genneia CEO Bernardo Andrews. “This project will allow us to continue our commitment to achieve a change in the energy matrix”, he added.

“We are very pleased to work -once once more- with Genneia. We are proud to know that foreign capital is willing to invest in the development of wind farms in Argentina and that they trust the experience of Vestas and Genneia to promote the local energy transition”, affirmed the Country Manager and director of Sales in the Southern Cone of Vestas, Andrés Gismondi.

Vestas already has 1,541 MW installed in the country, distributed among the province of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Córdoba. In turn, it has more than 400 MW under construction.

Genneia aims exceed 1 GW of installed capacity. To do this, it intends to invest more than 1,400 million dollars in more than 20 projects by 2023. In turn, “Vestas reaffirms its leadership in the market, with a market share greater than 50% and 2GW of installed capacity, to remain firm in its commitment to contribute to the decarbonization of the national energy matrix,” they highlighted.

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