Genius girl will enter the university with only 9 years of age: she will study Medicine | #LomásTrinado

Can you imagine almost having the IQ of Albert Einstein? Well, Michelle Arellano Guillén is only two points below the German scientist. However, what is surprising is that she is a genius girl who is only 9 years old. Her IQ is 158 points.

This girl, originally from Chiapas, Mexico, is so smart that next August she will start studying medicine.
When she was one and a half years old, Michelle already spoke English and, at 4, she already knew how to read and write. According to her parents, the psychologists said that she was a “small adult”.

After some medical studies, the parents of this little girl knew that she was gifted. However, the girl was rejected in several schools in her hometown, since they did not want to accept her because of her IQ.

The family was finally able to find a school for Michelle, however, the teachers told her parents that she was bored in class, since she learned perfectly the subjects she saw in the classroom.

Therefore, the parents of this genius girl contacted the Secretary of Public Education of Chiapas to accelerate her degree.

“We requested in the Ministry of Education an acceleration of grade: from the fourth year he went to the sixth grade of primary school. It was like his first jump. Later, they told us that he might do the accreditation through a single evaluation, so we accepted that offer and, in November 2021, he accredited elementary school and right now, in March 2022, he accredited middle school and high school through a single exam as well, which It’s called Ceneval. She was credited on July 4, ”said Karina Guillén Cruz, Michelle’s mother, for the
medium UnoTV.

After passing all the necessary exams to graduate, Michelle will study Medicine online and later seek to become a cardiovascular surgeon like her mother, as she was also accredited to enter a university in Massachusetts, United States.

This genius girl also hopes to continue studying and have a second career, Marine Biology.



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