Geneva transforms car parks into micro-forests

Chat GPT, the most popular artificial intelligence of the moment.

It is accessible to everyone free of charge. The principle is simple, we ask questions in writing, the robot responds with constructed sentences. She is also able to write poems or scenarios.

Something to scare a little, because the precision and the naturalness of the answers can suggest that a human is the author. Chat GPT can write a poem or a movie script. Problem, some students use it to do their homework.

For Stéphane Koch, social media specialist, you don’t necessarily have to see only the negative side:

And from a legal point of view, what risks a student who uses it, can he be accused of plagiarism, for example?

Nicolas Capt, lawyer specializing in new technologies at the Geneva Bar:

Students also use it for their homework, others to write cover letters. This AI raises a large number of questions, copyrights for example.

The legal point of view of Nicolas Capt:

Even if there are many questions about this AI, Stéphane Koch reminds us that we must take a step back from this tool:

The interviews in full can be found here below.

Stéphane Koch, social media specialist:

Nicolas Capt, lawyer specializing in new technologies at the Geneva Bar:

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