Geneva – Intoxicated teenager in Mancy: it was not an accident


In March 2021, a young autistic girl ended up in the emergency room. The analyzes had shown that she had ingested Temesta, an anxiolytic which was not prescribed to her. The hypothesis that she could have taken it herself seems to be moving away.

Archives / Tdg / Lucien Fortunati

The criminal investigation into the facts that led to the serious intoxication of a young autistic girl in March 2021 in Geneva is continuing. Educators from the Mancy home, where the teenager lived, had noticed that she was barely standing. In the emergency room, analyzes had shown that the young girl had ingested Temesta, an anxiolytic which was not prescribed to her.

On Monday, three employees of the Mancy home were heard by the Public Ministry, reports the “Geneva Stand”. And according to information gathered by the daily, all three agree that the victim could not have taken the drug in question herself. The thesis of the accident therefore seems to be moving away. It now remains to be seen who administered the Temesta to this teenager, and when.


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