Generational Decline in Mental Health: University of Sydney Study

2023-12-06 17:49:00

For several years, a deterioration of mental health in Western populations has been noted, particularly among young people.

Richard Morris from the University of Sydney and colleagues analyzed data from a national survey of 9,000 households representative of the Australian population over 20 years, from 2001 to 2020.

The researchers compared the mental health of people born in each decade, from 1940 to 1990 at the same age.

The analysis shows that people born in the 1990s have poorer mental health for their age than all previous generations, and as they age, they do not show the improvements that previous generations showed.

This decline in mental health, which has been observed in Australia since around 2010, also affects people born in the 1980s (generation Y or millennials) and, to a lesser extent, those born in the 1970s (generation ). (What are the boomer, X, Y, Z, millennial, alpha… generations?)

“The focus so far has been on the decline in the mental health of school-age children and adolescents, which is expected to improve as they age. enter adulthood. But this study shows that this trend is changing and that it is not only children who should worry,” concludes the researcher.

For more information on the different generations, see the links below.

Psychomedia with sources: University of Sydney, PNAS.

#generation #affected #decline #mental #health

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