General Matambo Looks Back: A Journey of Triumphs and Lessons Learned as FIB Chief

KINSHASA, DR Congo, September 6, 2024 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/- General Matambo of Malawi is preparing to leave Beni, after twelve months at the head of the MONUSCO Intervention Brigade (FIB). On Tuesday, September 3, it was in the immense courtyard of the UN mission’s military base in Mavivi, about ten kilometers from the city of Beni in North Kivu, that the officer answered questions from the press. Without detours and with frankness.

He readily acknowledges a rather mixed record at the head of the Intervention Brigade, which is engaged alongside the Congolese army to fight the ADF in the Beni region. The mobility of this rebellion towards other territories (Lubero) and province (Ituri) and the disinformation do not make the work of the Blue Helmets any easier.

Successes above all…

Despite everything, General Matambo leaves with some reasons for satisfaction. The operations carried out against the ADF in Ituri in particular were crowned with success. “I would say that the record since I took command of the FIB is mixed, composed of successes but also many challenges. Among the successes, I can mention among others the operation “Spider web 1” in Ituri in the Fataki area, it was a real success. We responded to all the alerts that concerned threats to the civilian population. There was also the support provided to our partners in the local security forces. Overall, during my year in office, we launched 15 major operations, where FIB troops operated with partners, local security forces; in addition to routine operations (patrols that we conduct to secure the civilian population or to respond to alerts) or the response to alerts. For example, in the Fataki area, the FIB intervened following attacks that were carried out in the displaced persons camps by Codeco militiamen. Following this intervention, the militias were pushed further north and, so far, this population and these displaced persons camps are safe. », inventorie-t-il.

Another success: the security of humanitarian corridors during the M23 offensive. Further south, the FIB intervened in the Lubero territory, as part of “Operation Springbok”, where our troops were deployed towards Kanyabayonga to help open humanitarian corridors, when the M23 offensive occurred. This allowed populations to find refuge from the Kaseghe area, going up towards Kanyabayonga, Kaina and Kirumba, to be taken in perfect safety”rejoices General Matambo.

The advance of the M23 in the Lubero territory has added to the perilous problem of the ADF and the Mai-Mai groups. Here again, the FIB commander believes that his men have responded: “Following the alerts we receive, we intervene within a fairly reasonable time frame to be able to secure the population. This is so, even if the fighters (ADF) are not in the area, we establish mobile bases all around these villages to allow the population to regain confidence, resume their rural activities and live in peace; and this dissuades the armed groups from returning. And with regard to Kanyabayonga, although the city is under the control of the M23, MONUSCO is still present there; this has a purely strategic interest, because Kanyabayonga remains a Congolese territory and we have this agreement with the Congolese State to remain there, to reassure the population, to secure this population.”

Regrets all the same…

When asked if he has any regrets, General Matambo does not mince his words: the mobility of the ADF and disinformation make the work of the Blue Helmets difficult. The expansion of the ADF in the Lubero area makes the task more complicated for the FIB, which was initially located in the Beni territory. However, MONUSCO’s reaction has also been to extend the FIB’s area of ​​responsibility, so that it can operate more eccentrically from Beni, particularly towards the Lubero territory and to the north towards the Mambasa area up toto command an Ituri. If we had had the possibility of greater mobility, we could have done more. If the context and the environment had allowed it, we probably would have done more. Another aspect that also played a role To our disadvantage, it is the disinformation that MONUSCO is often the victim of. We could have done better without these two factors. “, the officer argues.

Finally, General Matambo did not fail to salute the collaboration with the Congolese security and defense forces, without which these results would not have been obtained. We could not have achieved the results I mentioned without the collaboration of our FARDC partners. I thank them for that. The collaboration has been almost perfect, both with the FARDC and with the PNC, during our various joint operations. We always operate jointly with these forces. However, it is important that coordination and collaboration with the UPDF [ndlr : armée ougandaise] be reinforced. Certainly, the FARDC serve as an interface when necessary, but this weighs on the collective effort that could have been carried out in concert with all these forces present in the same zone of operations “, he concludes, while hoping for greater cooperation between the SHUJAA operation – led by the Congolese and Ugandan armies – and MONUSCO.

Distributed by African Media Agency pour MONUSCO.

Source : African Media Agency (AMA)

2024-09-06 08:28:13
#reached #term #FIB #General #Matambo #hails #real #successes #admits #regrets #

MONUSCO définition

MONUSCO: Protecting Civilians and Consolidating Peace in the Democratic ⁢Republic of Congo

The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the ⁤Congo (MONUSCO) is a peacekeeping operation mandated to protect civilians and consolidate peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). MONUSCO took over‍ from an earlier UN peacekeeping operation, and its primary objective is to ensure the safety and security of civilians in the region [[1]].

The Force Intervention Brigade (FIB)⁣ and⁤ its Successes

The Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) is a key component of MONUSCO, and it has been instrumental in fighting against rebel groups such as the Allied Democratic​ Forces (ADF)‍ in the Beni region.⁣ General Matambo of Malawi, who has been at the helm of the FIB for the past 12 months, has acknowledged a mixed record⁣ of successes and challenges ‍during his tenure.

One of the significant successes of the FIB under General Matambo’s leadership is​ the operation “Spider web 1” in Ituri in the Fataki ⁢area, which was a real success. The FIB intervened following attacks by Codeco militiamen on displaced persons camps, and as a result, the militias were pushed further north, and the population and displaced persons camps are now safe.

Another notable success is‍ the‍ security⁣ of humanitarian corridors during the M23 offensive. The FIB ⁣intervened in the Lubero territory, as part of “Operation Springbok,” where troops were deployed towards Kanyabayonga to help open humanitarian corridors. This‍ allowed populations ‍to find refuge from the Kaseghe area, going ⁢up towards Kanyabayonga, Kaina, and Kirumba, ‍to be taken in perfect safety.

Challenges‌ and Importance of Coordinated⁢ Efforts

Despite the successes, General Matambo acknowledges the challenges faced by the FIB, including the⁤ mobility of rebel groups towards other territories and provinces,⁤ and the disinformation ⁢that hampers the work of the Blue Helmets. He emphasizes the importance of coordinated efforts among MONUSCO forces and the need for support ​from local security forces to effectively combat rebel groups.

In a meeting with ⁤Kenyan Quick Reaction Force (QRF)⁣ commanders, Brigadier Matambo stressed the‌ importance of coordinated efforts among MONUSCO forces, highlighting the need‍ for cooperation and support to achieve their objectives [[3]].

International Cooperation and Contributions

MONUSCO’s efforts are not ‍limited to the DRC, and international cooperation is crucial in achieving peace and stability in the region. Countries such as ⁢Malawi, Kenya, and Indonesia have contributed troops to the FIB, demonstrating ⁣their commitment to peacekeeping and regional stability.

In a recent ceremony,⁤ the Indonesian Military (TNI) held a Medal ‍Parade for the KIZI XX-T/MONUSCO contingent, showcasing the⁣ country’s contribution to peacekeeping efforts in the DRC [[2]].


MONUSCO and the FIB have made significant strides in protecting civilians and consolidating peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Despite the challenges, the successes of the‌ FIB under General Matambo’s leadership ​demonstrate the importance⁤ of coordinated ​efforts and international‌ cooperation in achieving peace and stability ‍in the region.


MONUSCO Intervention Brigade: Successes and Challenges in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) has been deployed in the region to maintain peace and stability. One of the key components of MONUSCO is the Intervention Brigade (FIB), led by General Matambo of Malawi. As General Matambo prepares to leave Beni after a year at the helm of the FIB, he reflects on the brigade’s mixed record of successes and challenges in the region.


Despite the difficulties faced by the FIB, General Matam



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