General Knowledge Questions: Test Your Knowledge with These Fun Trivia Questions!

2023-07-29 14:33:38

One of the most useful ways to learn is by asking questions, even more so if you want to increase your knowledge. In general, general knowledge questions are usually part of tedious and very competitive tests; nevertheless, they are important to have a basic notion of what happened during many years in the history of Peru.


General knowledge questions for children

What is the only mammal that can fly? A: The bat. Who is the author of “Don Quixote”? A: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. What is the capital of Bulgaria? R: Sofia, what are the oceans of the earth? A: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Glacial and Antarctic Glacial. How many years is equivalent to a lustrum? A: Five years. Who painted the Mona Lisa? A: Leonardo Da Vinci. In which country is the Eiffel Tower located? A: France. What is the name of the three caravels that Christopher Columbus brought to America? A: La Niña, La Pinta and La Santa María. On what date was America discovered? A: October 12, 1492. What is the name of the seat of the Executive Branch of Peru? A: Government Palace of Peru. What is the longest river in the world? A: The Amazon. What is the result of the multiplication called? A: Product. Who wrote “The Odyssey”? R: Homer. Through which organ do fish breathe? A: The gills. What is the name of the triangle that has three unequal sides? A: Scalene triangle What is the largest lizard in the world? A: The Komodo dragon. What is the country with the fewest inhabitants in the world? A: Vatican City. How many years did World War I last? A: 4 years (from 1914 to 1918) What was the first human civilization? A: The Sumerian civilization. What is Saturn’s largest moon? A: Titan.


Questions of general knowledge of Peruvian history

What is the ‘historical capital’ of Peru? A: Cuzco. What is the first university in Peru? A: The National University of San Marcos. Who was the first Viceroy of Peru? A: Blasco Núñez de Vela. Who sang the National Anthem for the first time? A: Rosa Merino. What Peruvian hero is called the ‘Wizard of the Andes’? A: Andrés Avelino Cáceres. What national hero swam from Callao to Lima? A: José Olaya. Who is the hero of Peruvian aviation? A: José Abelardo Quiñones. How many and what were yours? A: There are 4 of them: Chinchaysuyo, Collaysuyo, Antisuyo and Contisuyo. What is the national motto of Peru? A: “Firm and happy for the union.” Where did José de San Martín proclaim the independence of Peru? A: In the Plaza Mayor of Lima. In what battle did the Peruvian president Agustín Gamarra die in 1841? A: In the battle of Ingavi. What is the highest mountain in Peru? A: Huascarán. Who wrote the play “Los comentarios reales”? A: Inca Garcilazo de la Vega. Who is known as “The beggar librarian”? A: Ricardo Palma, which Inca ordered the construction of Machu Picchu? A: Pachacútec. Who wrote “The City and the Dogs”? A: Mario Vargas Llosa, how many years did the war between Peru and Chile last? A: 4 years (1879-1883). Who is the first Peruvian to travel to outer space? A: Carlos Noriega. Who said the following: “I have sacred duties to fulfill and I will fulfill them until I burn the last cartridge”? A: Francisco Bolognesi. What are the elements of the national coat of arms? A: The vicuña, the cinchona tree and the cornucopia.

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General culture questions about the history of Peru

When was the declaration of independence of Peru made? Who composed the national anthem of Peru and who sang it for the first time? What are the national symbols? What are the elements of the national coat of arms and what do they mean? Who is the hero of the Battle of Angamos? What is celebrated on October 8? What day is the day of the flag celebrated? Who was known as the “Wizard of the Andes”? Who wrote “Peruvian traditions “? Who is the hero of Peruvian civil aviation? With which countries does Peru border? What national hero swam from Callao to Lima? Who was the hero of the Combat of May 2? What are the languages Peru officials? How high is Machu Picchu?


The main date of the National Holidays is July 28, during this date a series of protocol activities are carried out and these are:

The Mass and Te Deum. Congressmen, State Ministers and President Dina Boluarte will attend the traditional mass. Congress receives the President of the Republic. The Head of State gives her message to the Nation in Congress.
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