Gender-focused mobility plan proposed for the New Bañado Tacumbú neighborhood

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications has begun the prequalification of companies to develop a Gender-Focused Mobility Plan in the New Bañado Tacumbú Neighborhood in Asunción. This initiative seeks to transform mobility and improve the quality of life of residents.

The “Prequalification No. 807 – MOPC Call No. 95/2024” is already published on the Public Procurement portal, while the Expressions of Interest from Consulting Firms will be received until Friday, October 4, 2024 at 09:00 at the Single Entry Desk of the central MOPC building.

This is another component of the Bañado Sur Rehabilitation and Housing Program (Barrio Tacumbú), which includes the construction of 1,500 social housing units for riverside families, with the financial support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


The main goal of the Gender-Focused Mobility Plan is to improve accessibility and safety in the mobility system for the entire community, with special emphasis on the needs of women.

Its specific objectives include improving the accessibility of the mobility system, promoting safety conditions, fostering gender equality in access to and use of transport, facilitating access to affordable public transport and establishing evaluation and monitoring mechanisms.

The work will include a comprehensive assessment of gender differences in travel, accessibility, safety and economic opportunities. Key issues will be addressed, such as transport and mobility, dependent care needs, access to housing for women heads of household or victims of gender-based violence, and perception of insecurity in public spaces.

The selected consultancy firm will prepare a diagnosis of the mobility system from a gender perspective, propose improvements, design an action plan for the implementation of the PMEG, prepare a budget and execution program, and develop a governance proposal and evaluation indicators.

With this innovative approach, the aim is to reduce economic disparities and expand opportunities for personal and economic development for all residents of the future Nuevo Barrio, says the Ministry of Public Works.

#Genderfocused #mobility #plan #proposed #Bañado #Tacumbú #neighborhood
2024-09-21 01:27:08



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