Gender Equality Ranking: Switzerland Drops to 21st Place, Global Stagnation Persists

2023-06-21 11:25:31

Switzerland tumbles eight places in the WEF’s annual gender equality index, dropping to 21st place. More broadly, the global situation is stagnating on this issue. At the current rate, it would still take 131 years to reach parity.

According the World Economic Forum (WEF) index published on Wednesday in Geneva, a week after the Feminist Strike, Switzerland is doing slightly worse than last year in absolute terms. She is also not among the very first on wages, the gender gap having been reduced by only 70%.

Among the individual countries, Switzerland is particularly far behind Iceland, which remains the best. Norway climbs a rank to take second place and overtakes Finland. By region, Europe is the one, for the second consecutive year, which has succeeded the most in reducing the difference between men and women, by nearly 77%. Switzerland is 13th in this regional bloc.

Of the four indicators compiled in the WEF assessment, it ranks only 63rd for economic participation. Worse still, she who is usually praised for her education, she is beyond the 100th place on parity on this question. However, it remains first for the literacy rate, access to higher education or the birth ratio.


Improvement on health

Switzerland is also 115th on health, the only indicator for which it has progressed in one year compared to the various other States. On the other hand, it is among the top 15 for political emancipation.

Last year, the global situation had returned to pre-pandemic conditions. Since then, the gap between men and women has narrowed by only 0.3 percentage points in one year. This improvement is mainly due to education.

Nearly 120 countries have reduced the gender gap on this issue by at least 95%. The share reaches only 60% for economic participation and less than a quarter for political emancipation.

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Significant digital shift

In nearly 20 years, parity has only increased by 4.1% in the world. In addition to the 131 years to achieve this, the situation is even worse for certain indicators. It will take 169 years to absorb the lag on economic participation and 162 years for that on political emancipation.

Women continue to suffer from a higher unemployment rate than men, 4.5% compared to 4.3%. Their access to positions of responsibility in companies is nearly ten percentage points lower. After improving for eight years, this indicator fell last year, returning to the figure for 2021.

Women also make up only about 30% of active employees in artificial intelligence (AI), among the fastest-changing ecosystems, like other new technologies. The digital divide also largely explains the inequalities between men and women, the report also adds, even though the data shows that women are more efficient on new technologies.


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