Gender Apartheid and Injustice: The Tragic Execution of Samira Sabzian in Iran

2023-12-20 20:17:11

In Iran, 29-year-old Samira Sabzian was executed by hanging on December 20. She killed her husband, for which she was immediately sentenced to death, spent 10 years in prison and was executed this Wednesday in Gezel Khesar prison, one of the largest prisons in Iran. It is located in Karaj, a suburb of Tehran.

The execution was announced by the Iranian Human Rights Group, headquartered in Norway.

Hundreds of Iranians have been executed this year in the Islamic republic for their involvement in drug trafficking and murder. Among those executed were more than a dozen women.

Samira Sabzian became the eighteenth woman to be hanged in Iran this year alone.

Iranian authorities have not yet made official confirmation of the execution of the 29-year-old woman.

Samira Sabzian got married at 15 and, according to her relatives, was abused by her husband.

According to news agencies, at the time of her arrest she had two children, one of whom was an infant. Over the past 10 years of imprisonment, she was allowed to see her children only once, this happened shortly before the execution, in early December.

“Samira was a victim of gender apartheid, child marriage and domestic violence for many years, and today she is a victim of this regime’s incompetent and corrupt killing machine,” Iranian Human Rights Group (IHR) head Mahmoud-Amiri Moghaddam said.

The international human rights organization Amnesty International and the governments of several countries, including the UK, have been seeking to save the life of the young mother for many years, negotiated with the Iranian authorities, reports BBC.

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An Iranian human rights organization calls on the international community to influence the Islamist regime in Iran.

Approximately two-thirds of executed Iranian women were accused of killing their husbands. According to Iranian law, a woman cannot get a divorce under any circumstances, even if she becomes a victim of domestic violence.

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