Gemmyo, jewelry for all women

Today, I’m talking to you about a jewelry house that I particularly like: Gemmyo. Founded in 2011, Gemmyo was first an online jewelry store before opening several stores in several French cities. His mantra: celebrate our personality through our jewelry. Earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants, Gemmyo offers a wide variety of jewelry of great beauty and rare elegance. What if I told you a little more about this incredible brand and its creator?

Originally a love story

It all started when Pauline Laigneaua graduate of HEC, embarks on the search for her engagement ring after the marriage proposal of her companion, Charif Debs. Disappointed with their experience with the various jewelers they met, the couple decided to embark on entrepreneurship and create your own house. They take advantage of their respective backgrounds and their skills, and invite Malek Debs, Charif’s brother, to join the adventure. Pauline is in charge of coordinating and researching craftsmen and manufacturers, Charif of the brand’s website, and Malek of 3D design. Behind Gemmyo therefore hides a beautiful love and family story !

Gemmyo’s Identity

Through its various collections, Gemmyo offers personalize her jewels as much as possible, so that they correspond perfectly to your personality. This is what seduced me when I discovered the brand! Gemmyo is the first jewelry house to offer high end jewelry customizable. You can therefore choose the type of stone and metal you want, since all the pieces are made to order. A way to produce in a reasoned way and to improve our mode of consumption! On the occasion of a milestone event or simply to offer you a unique piece of jewelry, Gemmyo develops jewelry intended to celebrate the uniqueness of each woman.

An exceptional jewel for your wedding

Your partner has proposed to you and you will soon start the preparations? The search for alliances is obviously one of the most important steps to achieve! Indeed, thealliance symbolizes the bond that unites you to your loved one, and the exchange of rings represents a unique moment in your ceremony, whether religious or secular. From the classic model to the creative alliance, passing by the ring set with diamonds, Gemmyo offers you many possibilities, to choose according to your style and your budget. It is also possible to select your alliance in harmony with your engagement ring, if you wish to wear both jewels simultaneously. Gemmyo adapts to all your desires for a remarkable result!

The other hats of Pauline Laigneau

pauline laigneau

In addition to co-directing Gemmyo, Pauline Laigneau continues her exploration of entrepreneurship through various ultra-exciting projects. In 2018, she launched her own podcast, soberly titled Le Podcast de Pauline Laigneau, in which she invites personalities from many fields such as health, journalism, design and, of course, the entrepreneurial world. The goal: inspire and enrich listeners through these success stories.

In addition, since 2020, Pauline has been supporting entrepreneurs during training sessions. coaching business, with its Demian program; a beneficial and strategic tool to guide you in your professional project. Varied projects that this inspiring woman manages to carry out brilliantly! Want to know more about her? Do not hesitate to visit son site weba real gold mine for obtaining business advice and learning about its training offer.

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