GEMEON: Oncological Aesthetic Medicine for Cancer Patients

2023-11-21 11:17:00
The longer life expectancy and the current good results of Oncology lead cancer patients to increasingly demand medical-aesthetic, cosmetic, and general restorative treatments that minimize the adverse effects and stigmas linked to the disease.

The concept of healthaccording to the WHO, is ““a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.” (New York, July 22, 1946).

GEMEON is a pioneer in the sharing of oncological aesthetic medicine services, for the promotion and development of a new vision of aesthetic medicine applied to an increasingly broad sector of society with specific medical-aesthetic needs. Aesthetic Medicine plays an important role in helping the person achieve this state of well-being, before, during and following the oncological process, enhancing the therapeutic values ​​of the image. It is very important to make these aspects known to society, as well as to make available the treatments that cancer patients can benefit from during all stages of the disease. with positivity. As to prevention, aesthetic medicine should be important when it comes to eliminating bad habits in healthy patients. Furthermore, the role it plays in early diagnosis is fundamental, since the clinical history and examination of a patient who comes for aesthetic treatment informs us regarding an underlying pathology. Thus, for example, we must highlight the importance of exploring the skin and spots.

During treatment: The prevention and treatment of the adverse effects caused by it must begin at the time of diagnosis and before treatment begins. The care of the skin, hair and scalp, when it will be lost due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy; treatment of nails, since they are affected in many cases; the mucous membranes…

After treatment: Once completed, and always in agreement with the oncologist, we can perform the appropriate medical aesthetic treatments, with special emphasis on saving changes in body volume and treating the side effects of surgery, such as scars, dehiscences and other skin alterations. among others. Of course it is important to try to rejuvenate the patient’s skin. In relation to the treatments that we can apply, if the oncologist sees no problem, practically all aesthetic medicine treatments can be done, as long as they are not aggressive. It is essential to take into account the patient’s defenses; it should be a condition for carrying out the treatment that the blood analysis is within normal values. During the evolution of cancer, countless changes occur at a physical, emotional and social level that produce a series of needs in both the patient and their family, which vary from one individual to another and over time. Many patients do not communicate their concerns to their oncologists. When they share their needs, they often omit important psychosocial aspects. Several factors contribute to this difficulty; Many patients believe that pain, grief, anger, and suffering are inevitable with cancer. Others believe that doctors do not want to address such issues. As a result of an inadequate understanding of patient needs, both health care costs and unnecessary suffering increase. For healthcare professionals and particularly doctors, examining these aspects means that they need to pay more attention to patients as individuals during the various stages of their illness. Although the perception of body image is subjective, the changes experienced by patients undergoing cancer treatment have such a strong impact that they frequently deteriorate their quality of life. It is common for patients to express fear of hair loss as their main concern. The approach to cancer patients is multidisciplinary: doctors from different specialties, nursing staff, social workers, psychologists… approach the patient with a “holistic approach” to the disease. Aesthetic Medicine must take its place in the care of these patients with the aim of promoting self-care to improve their image and, thereby, regain the confidence and self-esteem necessary to face the disease positively. To be able to provide adequate information and respond to the demands of our patients; medical specialists, nursing, physiotherapy, psychologists…they must be trained and, more importantly, taught how to work together. Furthermore, the definition of aesthetic medicine is a “Set of prescriptions, actions, techniques and medical and/or surgical procedures – the latter limited to the skin, cutaneous annexes, subcutaneous cellular tissue and the superficial venous system -, intended to health promotion, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of unaesthetic aspects or judged as such by the patient himself, constitutional or acquired; and to the treatment of states of general discomfort that are a consequence of physiological aging” Aspects such as self-acceptance and its impact on self-esteem are considered increasingly important in the process of social adaptation. A dysmorphophobic, negative perception of appearance can lead to pathologies (dysmorphies and dysmorphophobias). Psychosomatic disorders resulting from low self-esteem due to aesthetic reasons are common and cannot be ignored by a doctor. Aesthetic Medicine can act in the prevention of this disease, in early diagnosis and in recovery following oncological treatment. So much so, that the objective of oncological aesthetic medicine is to prevent, improve and treat totally or partially the unaesthetic aspects of the cancer patient to benefit their quality of life.
#Aesthetic #Medicine #cancer #patients



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