Geiss Family Reunion: Shania and Davina Return Home to Mom and Dad

2023-08-16 08:23:00

So that there is finally order again?

Ciao, own apartment! Shania and Davina Geiss are moving back together with mom and dad

Shania and Davina Geiss are moving back in with Mama Carmen and Papa Robert.

imago/wolf-sportfoto, SpotOn

Aug 15, 2023 at 10:47 am

“We will move in together again in the future.” Carmen Geiss surprises with the news that her daughters Davina (20) and Shania (19) will give up their own luxury nest in Monaco. Back to mom and dad – for emotional, but also for very pragmatic reasons.

Close family ties with the Geissens – also thanks to a trip around the world

As soon as the children are out of the house, they are already back. {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ In 2022, Shania and Davina Geiss moved into their own luxury shack in Monte Carlo. A year later, the daughters of {window.dataLayer.push ({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ Robert (59) and {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ Carmen (58) already return to the family nest. At least that’s what Mama Carmen Geiss reveals. In the SWR podcast “1 plus 1 – temporary friendship” with Hazel Brugger and Thomas Spitzer, she and husband Robert chat about the strong family ties in the Geiss clan.

Video tip: {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘extern’,link_url: ‘ Stream “Davina & Shania – We Love Monaco” on RTL+

These are no coincidence. When the girls were younger, the Geissens took their daughters on a trip around the world for over four years.

“We looked at every Caribbean island. Back then it was my dream to travel around the world in my own boat,” explains Robert. That welded him and his wife to their daughters: “Today as grown women they say: ‘We never want to miss the time. The closeness to mum and dad and the experiences we had.’ We are incredibly tightly bound to each other.” And that’s why all the Geissens want to “move in together again in the future,” reveals Carmen.

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Reading tip: {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ Shania and Davina Geiss on a spending spree: That’s what they spend the most money on

Robert Geiss: “The children are forcing us to move back in”

“The kids tried it out,” says Robert about Davina’s and Shania’s independence. A concept that was apparently not only well received by the girls. “The children are forcing us to move back in so that order can be restored”speculates Robert.

After all, someone has to “clean up and exercise discipline”. Apparently it’s not just the longing for closeness that drives Shania and Davina back into mom and dad’s arms. (csp)

#Ciao #apartment #mom #dad

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