Geagea: We have three difficult months ahead, and the password from abroad is political “myths.” Policy

The head of the “Lebanese Forces” party, Samir Geagea, pointed out that “the most important and largest journalists in Lebanon today write daily in their articles, analyzes that the picture is not yet clear as to what will happen in the matter of the presidential elections, because the “password” has not yet come from abroad. However, for me, and this is the fifth presidential election that I am closely following, I did not understand what “password from abroad” they were talking about?

Geagea stressed that “no one abroad really cares if the presidential elections take place in Lebanon or not. But what can the outside influence? The Iranians can influence this entitlement through Hezbollah, which has the parliamentary bloc, but for the rest of the countries, how can they influence? From here, those who determine the direction of the presidential elections are the local parties, and only Iran among the external countries can influence and that is exclusively through Hezbollah, no more or less, and if the party had only two deputies, its influence would be equal to only two deputies.

During his meeting, at the headquarters of the “Lebanese Forces” party in Maarab, a group of activists in the party, he said, “We live in the shadow of political “myths”, considering that the only repercussions that can affect the course of the presidential elections are the will of the local parties who live today We are all, unfortunately, a state of confusion.”

Geagea explained that “the situation is difficult, but something can still be done, and the only thing I can say at the moment is that it has become possible that a leader from the “March 8” team will not reach the presidency, and this matter can be considered 50%. It is important, and the remaining half is to come up with a president who is able to confront and stand firm in his principles and convictions and is able to take positions, even at a minimum, because if we do not bring a similar president, things will not change.”

Geagea continued: “We have three difficult months ahead, and the question today is whether we will be able to deliver a president with the minimum acceptable level, who is able to take some decisions, be in a sovereign direction, be reformist, and have good morals, because coming up with a president without taste, color or smell is just because To live in Baabda Palace and ultimately not do anything is tantamount to not doing anything in the first place.”

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