GCW “Astronaut” results from Atlanta, Georgia, USA on 03/12/2022

Quelle: Game Changer Wrestling

Game Changer Wrestling „Astronaut“
Ort: Center Stage Theater in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
First broadcast: March 12, 2022 on FITE TV

1. Match
Singles Match
AR Fox defeated Nick Wayne via pin after a 450 splash.
Match time: 08:04

2. Match
Singles Match
Gringo Loco defeated Ninja Mack via pin after a top rope powerbomb through a door.
Match time: 11:27

After the match, Loco and Mack handshake.

Before the next match, Matt Cardona will hold a promo. Former Zack Ryder is upset with GCW promoter Brett Lauderdale for booking his flight through Delta airlines. Cardona then lists what titles he currently holds and claims that he should be up for the GCW Championship next. He then has a few words for Chris Dickinson, with whom he will be going head-to-head at the Spring Break event. To prepare himself, he will meet 72-year-old Mike Jackson today.

3. Match
Singles Match
Matt Cardona defeated Mike Jackson via pin after multiple kicks in a row.
Match time: 06:45

After the match, Cardona insults his opponent before being interrupted by Dickinson. The former WWE wrestler wants to leave the ring but is stopped by Jackson. In the ring, Dickinson wants to hit the Pazuzu Bomb, but Cardona escapes with his titles.

4. Match
SIngles Match
Tony Deppen defeated ACH via pin after a roll-in with his feet on the ropes.
Match time: 13:23

5. Match
Scramble Match
Alex Colon defeated 1 Called Manders, Cole Radrick, Jimmy Lloyd, Jordan Oliver, and Zenshi via a pin on Zenshi after a Spanish fly through a door.
Match time: 09:57

After the match, Colon gave a short promo to his spring-break opponent, John Wayne Murdoch.

6. Match
Tag Team Match
Ash Bennett & Rico Gonzalez vs. Bobby Flaco & Kavron Kanyon ended in a no contest after Joey Janela attacked all of the wrestlers.
Match time: 03:49

His attack saw AR Fox’s four students take the Bronco Buster. Afterwards, Janela lights a cigarette and holds a promo. He credits Atlanta as the home of the smartest wrestler in the business – Cody Rhodes. After that, Janela demands that the fans send him flowers because he’s going to take down X-Pac (aka Sean Waltman). The formation of AEW and WWE’s Saudi Arabia deal only happened thanks to him.

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7. Match
Singles Match
Allie Katch defeated Jordynne Grace via pin after a piledriver.
Match time: 10:12

8. Match
GCW Extreme Championship
Singles Match
AJ Gray (c) defeated EFFY via pin after a lariat.
Match time: 09:30

After the match, EFFY would like to thank his buddy with a hug. Gray has other plans and kisses EFFY.

9. Match
Singles Match
Jonathan Gresham defeated Blake Christian via referee stoppage after Christian lost consciousness after several elbow strikes.
Match time: 24:10

After the match, Gresham and Christian shake hands. The former NXT wrestler takes the floor and says he was in a dark place before he started wrestling. Thanks to wrestling and the fans, he’s feeling better and thanks from the bottom of his heart.

10. Match
GCW Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Death Match
The H8 Club (Matt Tremont & Nick Gage) (c) vs. The Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner & Matthew Justice) endete in einem Draw via Double Pin.
Match time: 16:34

After the match, the fans demand a restart, but Matt Tremont takes the floor. He adds the Second Gear Crew to the GCW Tag Team Championship against the Briscoes and the match at Spring Break will now be a 3-way tag team match. With this announcement, the show ends.

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