Gaza’s UN Protectorate: A Distant Hope for Peace, Says A. Guterres

Antonio Guterres noted that “it is important to be able to turn this tragedy into an opportunity”, which, in his opinion, means “moving decisively and irreversibly to a two-state solution“.

This means that an end to the current war between Israel and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip would “reinforce the Palestinian Authority, taking responsibility in the Gaza Strip,” he said.

However, he added that the Palestinian Authority cannot enter the Gaza Strip with the support of Israeli tanks, which means that “the international community must provide for a transition period.”

“I don’t think a UN protectorate in Gaza is the solution,” Guterres said.

Instead, he called for a multilateral approach in which the United States would be the primary guarantor of Israel’s security, with Arab countries “necessarily” supporting the Palestinians.

According to him, “everyone must come together to create the conditions for a transition period that allows a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibility in the Gaza Strip,” followed by a two-state solution.

“List of Shame”

Guterres also reiterated his condemnation of the killing of civilians, especially children, in the Gaza Strip, where Israel has been waging an unrelenting air and ground campaign in retaliation for the October 7 attacks by Hamas.

For seven years now, the UN chief has been publishing a “list of shame” of countries in armed conflict that commit grave violations against children. Human rights organizations have previously criticized Israel’s exclusion from the list.

Guterres did not say whether that might change this year, but did provide the number of children killed in the Gaza Strip.

According to the “list of shame” reports so far, the most children killed in a single year were by the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2017-2018, followed by the Syrian government and its allies until 2020. In both cases, the number of children killed was in the hundreds.

“Without debating the accuracy of the figures reported by the de facto authorities in the Gaza Strip, the only thing that is clear is that thousands of children have been killed in a matter of weeks,” Guterres told reporters.

“We are witnessing the killing of civilians that has no analogues and no precedent in any conflict since I took office as Secretary-General.”

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#protectorate #Gaza #Strip #solution #Guterres
2024-09-07 21:37:05

**PAA Related Questions for the Title: Antonio ‌Guterres Calls for a Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict**

Antonio⁤ Guterres Calls for a Two-State ⁢Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict ⁤has been a long-standing issue, with ⁤no clear resolution in ‌sight. ‌The‌ United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio‍ Guterres, has been ‍vocal ⁢about the need for a two-state solution to bring⁢ an end ⁢to the conflict. In recent statements, Guterres has reiterated his support for a two-state ‌solution, emphasizing its‌ importance in ⁤achieving peace and‌ harmony⁢ in the region.

The ⁢Importance ‍of a Two-State Solution

According to Guterres, a two-state solution is the only way to ensure a peaceful coexistence​ between Israelis and Palestinians [[2]].‍ He​ believes that this⁤ solution ⁢is ​vital for ⁤the well-being and security ​of both⁣ parties, and for ⁣the stability of the region as a whole. The two-state ‍solution would involve the creation of two separate ⁤states, ⁣one ‍for Israelis and one ⁢for Palestinians, living‍ side ⁤by side ⁤in​ peace and harmony, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states [[3]].

Obstacles ⁣to a Two-State Solution

However, Guterres acknowledges that there are significant obstacles to achieving a two-state‍ solution. He notes that the Palestinian Authority‍ cannot enter the Gaza Strip with the support of ⁤Israeli tanks, ​and that a transition period is necessary to ensure a smooth handover ⁤of power [[1]]. Guterres also emphasizes the⁤ need for ⁤a multilateral approach, involving the United States as the primary guarantor of Israel’s security,⁤ with Arab countries supporting the Palestinians.

The Condemnation of Civilian Killings

In addition to calling for​ a two-state solution, Guterres has also reiterated his condemnation of the killing ‍of civilians, especially ⁣children, in​ the Gaza⁤ Strip. He has been publishing a “list of shame” of‌ countries in armed ​conflict that commit grave violations against‍ children, ⁣and has expressed concern about the high number ‍of children killed in the conflict [[1]].

The Way Forward

Guterres believes that the international community must come together to create the conditions for a transition period that allows a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibility in ⁣the ​Gaza Strip. This, he says, would‍ pave the way for⁣ a two-state⁤ solution. He also emphasizes the need for Arab​ countries to support the Palestinians, and for the United ‍States to provide security guarantees to‌ Israel.

Antonio Guterres’ call for a‌ two-state solution​ to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a crucial ‌step ‌towards ‌achieving‍ peace and stability in the‍ region. ⁤While ⁤there are significant ⁢obstacles to overcome, Guterres’ leadership and commitment to finding a solution are essential in bringing an end⁢ to the conflict.




<a href="”>[3]

SEO‍ Keywords: Antonio Guterres, two-state solution, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, United Nations, peace and stability, region.

Here is a question related to the title “Antonio Guterres Calls for Ceasefire and Two-State Solution in Gaza Conflict”:

Antonio Guterres Calls for Ceasefire and Two-State Solution in Gaza Conflict

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip has sparked widespread concern and calls for a ceasefire from international leaders. Among them is United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who has repeatedly appealed for an end to the violence and a transition to a two-state solution.

In recent statements, Guterres emphasized the need for a multilateral approach to resolve the conflict, with the United States as the primary guarantor of Israel’s security and Arab countries supporting the Palestinians [1[1]. He stressed that the Palestinian Authority cannot enter the Gaza Strip with the support of Israeli tanks, and instead, the international community must provide for a transition period.

Guterres has been a vocal advocate for a two-state solution, which he believes is the only way to bring lasting peace to the region. In his words, “it is important to be able to turn this tragedy into an opportunity,” which means “moving decisively and irreversibly to a two-state solution” [2[2].

The UN Secretary General has also condemned the killing of civilians, particularly children, in the Gaza Strip. For seven years, he has been publishing a “list of shame” of countries in armed conflict that commit grave violations against children. While he did not specify whether Israel would be included in the list this year, he highlighted the staggering number of children killed in the Gaza Strip, which has no precedent in any conflict since he took office as Secretary-General [3[3].

Guterres’ appeal for a ceasefire and a two-state solution comes at a critical moment in the conflict. As the war continues to rage on, it is essential for international leaders to come together to create the conditions for a transition period that allows a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibility in the Gaza Strip.

The UN Secretary General’s words carry significant weight, and his call for a ceasefire and a two-state solution must be heeded by all parties involved in the conflict. Only through collective action and a commitment to diplomacy can we hope to bring an end to the violence and pave the way for a lasting peace in the region.

Keywords: Antonio Guterres, Gaza conflict, ceasefire, two-state solution, United Nations, Israel, Hamas, Palestinian Authority, international community.

Meta Description: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres calls for a ceasefire and a two-state solution to resolve the Gaza conflict. Read more about his appeal for a multilateral approach to bring lasting peace to the region.

Header Tags:

H1: Antonio Guterres Calls for Ceasefire and Two-State Solution in Gaza Conflict

H2: A Multilateral Approach to Resolve the Conflict

H2: Condemning the Killing of Civilians and Children

H2: The Need for Collective Action and Diplomacy



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