Gaza’s Dire Call for Help: Officials Urge Egypt and Arab Nations to Respond to Escalating Crisis

The office said in a statement: “We appeal to the Arab Republic of Egypt, all Arab and Islamic countries, and the Gulf Cooperation Council to bring in aid and tents for about two million displaced people, as they are now preparing to live in the streets without aid and without shelter due to the harsh conditions they are living and will live in during the coming months, which will have a serious impact on their lives and circumstances.”

The statement added: “We call on the international community and all relevant international and UN organizations and global institutions to break their silence and provide immediate and urgent relief to two million displaced persons who are in dire need of adequate shelter to protect them from the cold of winter and the heat of summer, and before that, to pressure the occupation and the Americans to stop the crime of genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”

The government office launched an urgent humanitarian distress call to save two million displaced people in the Gaza Strip before it is too late, coinciding with the arrival of air depressions, the onset of winter, and the deterioration of the displaced people’s tents.

The office indicated that “the numbers of displaced persons are still flowing and increasing day after day, as the number of displaced persons in general has reached from 1.9 million displaced persons to two million displaced persons in the governorates of the Gaza Strip.”

He explained that “we have 543 shelter and displacement centers in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli occupation committing the crime of forced displacement, which is a crime against humanity by forcing citizens to forcibly move from their homes and safe residential neighborhoods, which is a crime that violates international law.”

“74% of the displaced people’s tents have become unusable, according to government field assessment teams, which informed us that there are 100,000 tents out of 135,000 that need immediate and urgent replacement due to the complete deterioration of these tents, as they are made of wood, nylon and cloth. These tents have worn out with the heat of the sun and the climate conditions in the Gaza Strip, and have gone completely out of service, especially after 11 continuous months of displacement and these inhumane conditions,” he stressed.

The statement added: “The Gaza Strip is facing a real humanitarian disaster due to the onset of winter and the difficult weather conditions. As a result, two million people will become homeless in the winter and will sleep on the ground and take the sky as a blanket, due to the deterioration of the displaced people’s tents and their complete loss of service, as well as due to the closure of the crossings leading to the Gaza Strip, and due to the Israeli occupation preventing the entry of nearly a quarter of a million tents and caravans into the Gaza Strip in light of this bitter reality.”

The office condemned “the crime of the Israeli occupation in this regard, which is represented by forced displacement and forced migration and forcing two million displaced persons to leave their homes and seek refuge in areas not prepared to receive hundreds of thousands of displaced persons in unsuitable tents and in inhumane and unsafe areas.”

He added: “We hold the Israeli occupation and the American administration fully responsible for these catastrophic conditions that our Palestinian people are living in the Gaza Strip, and we call on the entire world to condemn these crimes, and we call on them to stand with our Palestinian people and our just cause and save the Gaza Strip before it is too late.”

Source: RT

#anticipation #living #open.. #Gaza #government #warns #disaster #directs #urgent #appeal #Egypt #Arab #countries
2024-09-16 07:36:13

– What are the current conditions‍ faced by‍ displaced people ⁤in the Gaza Strip?

Urgent Humanitarian‍ Crisis in Gaza Strip: 2 Million Displaced People in ​Dire Need of Shelter

The Gaza Strip is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis as⁢ 2 million displaced people ⁤struggle​ to survive ‌without adequate shelter, exacerbating⁣ an ‍already dire situation. The office of the ⁢Gaza ‌Strip government has launched​ an urgent appeal to the international community, Arab and Islamic countries, and the Gulf Cooperation Council to⁢ provide ⁢immediate assistance in⁢ the form of tents ⁤and aid to prevent a catastrophe.

The ⁤Harsh⁤ Reality of ⁤Displacement

The⁤ Gaza Strip​ has been⁤ plagued by ​displacement‌ since ⁣the ⁣Israeli occupation‍ forced citizens to leave ⁣their homes and‍ resettle in makeshift ‌shelters. The number of displaced persons has reached a ⁢staggering 2​ million, with 543 shelter and​ displacement centers set up ⁤to accommodate them. However,​ these temporary ⁣solutions are no longer viable, as the tents have worn out due‌ to harsh weather conditions, leaving the displaced population vulnerable to⁢ the elements.

Crimes Against Humanity

The ‌forced displacement of Palestinians is a crime against humanity, violating international law and leaving innocent civilians to suffer. The ‍Israeli occupation’s actions have resulted in the⁤ deterioration ​of living‌ conditions, pushing the displaced population to the brink of disaster.

The Deteriorating Condition of ⁤Tents

Government field assessment teams have reported that 74% of the displaced‌ people’s ⁢tents have become unusable, with 100,000 ​tents out of ⁣135,000 requiring immediate replacement. ⁤The tents, made of wood, nylon, ⁣and cloth, have worn​ out due to​ the scorching sun ⁣and harsh climate conditions ​in the Gaza ⁢Strip, ⁢rendering them ‌uninhabitable.

A Humanitarian Disaster Unfolds

As winter approaches, the situation is poised⁢ to worsen, leaving 2 million people homeless and ​vulnerable to ‍the cold. The closure of ​crossings leading⁢ to the ​Gaza Strip and the Israeli ⁤occupation’s prevention of‌ the entry of nearly a⁤ quarter⁤ of a million⁤ tents and caravans have exacerbated⁤ the crisis.

An Urgent Call to Action

The Gaza Strip government is appealing to the international community ⁣to break ​their silence and ⁢provide ⁣immediate and urgent relief to the 2 million displaced persons. The office‍ is urging ‍the Arab Republic of Egypt,⁢ all Arab and Islamic countries, and the Gulf‌ Cooperation⁤ Council to ​respond to ⁣this humanitarian crisis by providing⁤ aid and tents to alleviate⁢ the suffering of the ‍displaced population.

The International Community Must Act

The international community, including ⁤the ​United Nations and global ‌institutions,‍ must take immediate action to pressure the⁤ Israeli occupation to stop the crime ⁢of‍ genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza ⁢Strip. The world cannot stand idly by as 2 million people​ are forced to ⁤live in inhumane conditions, without shelter, and without ‍hope.


The humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip⁤ is a stark reminder⁢ of the human cost of conflict and occupation.⁣ The world must come together to support the 2 million displaced people in the Gaza Strip, providing them with the aid and shelter they ‌desperately need to survive. The ‍Gaza‌ Strip government’s urgent appeal is a call to action that cannot be ignored. The international community must ​respond with immediate and urgent relief to prevent a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented proportions.

Keyword ​optimization:

​Gaza ​Strip

‌Humanitarian crisis

Displaced people

​ Shelter


International community

⁣ Israeli occupation

Crimes against humanity

‌Forced displacement

Humanitarian disaster

* Urgent ⁤appeal

– What are the immediate needs of the 2 million displaced people in the Gaza Strip?

Urgent Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Strip: 2 Million Displaced People in Dire Need of Aid

The office of the Gaza Strip government has issued a dire warning, appealing to the international community, Arab and Islamic countries, and the Gulf Cooperation Council to provide immediate aid and shelter to approximately 2 million displaced people in the region. The urgent humanitarian distress call comes as the winter season approaches, and the displaced individuals are left to face harsh living conditions without adequate shelter.

Devastating Living Conditions

The Gaza Strip is currently home to 2 million displaced people, with numbers continuing to rise daily. The government has reported that 543 shelter and displacement centers have been established due to the Israeli occupation’s forced displacement of citizens from their homes and safe residential neighborhoods. This has led to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with 74% of the displaced people’s tents becoming unusable due to wear and tear, leaving them vulnerable to the harsh winter conditions.

Imminent Disaster

The situation is critical, with the onset of winter expected to exacerbate the already dire living conditions. The government has warned that without immediate intervention, 2 million people will be left homeless, forced to sleep on the ground with the sky as their only shelter. The closure of crossings leading to the Gaza Strip has further worsened the situation, preventing the entry of nearly a quarter of a million tents and caravans into the region.

International Community Called to Action

The Gaza Strip government has condemned the Israeli occupation’s actions, calling them a “crime against humanity” and a violation of international law. The government has appealed to the international community, Arab and Islamic countries, and the Gulf Cooperation Council to break their silence and provide immediate and urgent relief to the 2 million displaced persons. The call to action is to pressure the Israeli occupation and the American administration to stop the “crime of genocide” against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.


The government’s urgent appeal is directed towards:

The Arab Republic of Egypt

All Arab and Islamic countries

The Gulf Cooperation Council

The international community

All relevant international and UN organizations

Global institutions

The appeal is to provide aid and shelter to the 2 million displaced people in the Gaza Strip, including:

Tents and caravans to replace the unusable ones

Food and medical supplies

* Urgent relief to protect the displaced persons from the harsh winter conditions

International Community Must Take Responsibility

The Gaza Strip government holds the Israeli occupation and the American administration fully responsible for the catastrophic conditions faced by the Palestinian people. The government has called on the entire world to condemn these crimes and stand with the Palestinian people and their just cause.


The clock is ticking, and the international community must take immediate action to prevent a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions. The world cannot afford to remain silent in the face of such suffering and injustice. It is time to act, to provide aid, and to stand with the people of Gaza in their darkest hour.

Source: RT



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