Gaza: Esteemed Rescue Leader Among 15 Victims of Israeli Airstrikes

Gaza: Esteemed Rescue Leader Among 15 Victims of Israeli Airstrikes

Deputy Director Mohammad Morsi in the Palestinian Civil Defense, who is responsible for emergency services and the rescue service, was killed early Sunday. He is the 83rd member of the service to be killed by Israeli fire since October 7, according to the Civil Defense.

Morsi was killed along with four family members, two women and two children, in an attack on a residential building in the Jabalia refugee camp, according to the civil defense.

The Israeli army has not yet commented on the attack. On a number of occasions, the Israeli authorities have said that they are not targeting Palestinian civilians, but rather members of armed Palestinian groups.

– Constant bombing

At the same time, local sources state that Israeli forces have blown up several homes in the suburb of Zeitoun, which is outside Gaza City and 5 kilometers from Jabalia. Local health workers tell of injured people who are supposed to be under building debris, but who it is not possible to help.

– We hear constant bombing in Zeitoun, we know they are blowing up houses, we can’t sleep because of the sound of the explosions, the drone of the tanks is close, and the drones don’t stop circling, says a resident of Gaza City.

– The occupation is about to wipe out Zeitoun, Vei is worried about those trapped there, he tells Reuters via a messaging app.

Internet problems

The inhabitants of central and southern parts of Gaza also report problems with the internet and telephone connection, which, according to the Palestinian telecommunications company, is due to the ongoing Israeli attacks.

According to the news agency Reuters, it is the first time in several months that Gaza has been affected by such communication problems, which occurred frequently earlier in the war.

Palestinians say it affects the ability of health workers to send ambulances to bombed areas and makes it harder for people to contact family members or report attacks.

– 33 killed in one day

On Sunday evening, the Ministry of Health in Gaza stated that at least 15 people had been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip during the day.

In the last 24 hours, a total of 33 have been killed, and thus at least 40,972 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks since 7 October, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health. Almost 95,000 people were injured in the same period.

The Israeli military says it has struck about “25 Hamas targets” across Gaza in the past day.

#Gaza #Rescue #leader #among #killed #Israeli #attacks
2024-09-09 15:06:34

What ‌are ‌the​ implications of ⁤Mohammad ​Morsi’s death on the humanitarian crisis⁣ in Gaza?

Tragedy in Gaza:​ Deputy Director Mohammad Morsi Killed in ‌Israeli ​Airstrike

In a devastating turn of events, ​Mohammad Morsi, the Deputy Director of the​ Palestinian ​Civil ⁤Defense, was⁣ killed in an​ Israeli⁢ airstrike⁢ on a residential building in the ‌Jabalia ⁣refugee camp in Gaza on‌ Sunday. The attack, which also ‍claimed‍ the lives of ⁤four family members, including two women and⁢ two children, has sparked widespread outrage and concern ⁤among the international community.

According to ‌the Civil Defense, ​Morsi’s death marks the 83rd​ member of the service to⁣ be killed ​by Israeli fire ‌since October 7. The Israeli army has not yet ‍commented on ‍the attack,⁢ with previous statements claiming ​that⁣ they do not target Palestinian⁤ civilians, but rather⁣ members of armed Palestinian groups.

The situation on the ground is⁢ dire, with⁢ local sources reporting constant bombing in the suburb of Zeitoun, just 5​ kilometers from Jabalia.​ Eyewitnesses describe the sounds of explosions and ⁣drones circling, making it⁣ impossible for residents to ‌sleep. Injured people ⁤are ⁤reportedly trapped under building debris, ‍with health workers​ unable ⁣to reach ⁤them.

The‌ ongoing Israeli attacks have also resulted in​ internet and telephone connection problems ⁤in central and southern parts of Gaza, according to the Palestinian ⁣telecommunications company. This⁤ is the first time in several months that Gaza has been⁢ affected ⁢by such communication issues, which have occurred frequently ‌earlier in the war. Palestinians are struggling to contact‌ family ⁣members or access critical health services, further exacerbating ⁢the humanitarian‍ crisis.

Background on ⁢Mohammad Morsi

It ⁤is ⁤worth noting that this is not the first time⁢ the name Mohammad Morsi⁣ has made headlines‌ in the context of Gaza.⁣ In 2012, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, ‍who is not ‍related to the ‌deceased Mohammad Morsi, took a diplomatic‌ approach to addressing Israeli airstrikes on Gaza [[1]]. However, his downfall in 2013 was seen as ​a disaster for Hamas, ⁢the Islamist group ruling the neighboring Gaza Strip [[2]].

In contrast, the Mohammad Morsi killed in the recent airstrike was a humanitarian‍ worker responsible​ for emergency services and the rescue ​service in ⁣Gaza. His death is a stark reminder⁣ of the ​human cost‍ of conflict and the critical⁢ need for a peaceful resolution to‍ the ongoing crisis.

International Response Needed

As‌ the ⁣situation in ‌Gaza continues to deteriorate, it is imperative⁢ that the international ⁢community takes immediate action to address the ‍humanitarian crisis ‍unfolding before our eyes. The killing of Mohammad Morsi and countless ⁣others​ must not⁣ be in vain. We must demand an end to the violence, restoration of critical infrastructure, and a commitment to a peaceful and sustainable ‍future for the people of Gaza.





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Tragedy in Gaza: Deputy Director Mohammad Morsi Killed in Israeli Airstrike

In a devastating turn of events, Mohammad Morsi, the Deputy Director of the Palestinian Civil Defense, was killed in an Israeli airstrike on a residential building in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza on Sunday. The attack, which also claimed the



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