Gaza, “announcement of Hamas-Israel truce ready”. Dagospia Bomb – Time

Crucial moment for the war being fought in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas. Dagospia launched the news: “A turning point in the Middle East, in the next few hours the truce will be announced in exchange for the release of the 35 hostages held by Hamas. There will then be 45 days to negotiate a definitive agreement.” The flash of the site directed by Roberto D’Agostino then tells a further background on what pushed the two forces to come to an agreement: “Benjamin Netanyahu, who wanted to invade Rafah, forced to take more lenient advice by the action of the Minister of Defense, General Gantz (‘The hostages are more important than Rafah’) and from Joe Biden to Bibi (‘If Israel invades Rafah, American military aid will be called into question’)”.

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In the afternoon, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, said he was “confident” about the new proposal for a truce in Gaza. “The proposal took into account the positions of both parties and sought to achieve moderation”, the public position of the Egyptian government official.

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#Gaza #announcement #HamasIsrael #truce #ready #Dagospia #Bomb #Time
2024-05-01 23:03:31

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