Gaudet pastry: a fire that raises questions

After declaring bankruptcy this week, Pâtisserie Gaudet, located in Montérégie, burned down on Saturday. Since then, investigators have been trying to elucidate the circumstances that led to this fire.

Several hypotheses are currently circulating concerning the causes of the blaze declared in this business established for nearly 70 years in Acton Vale. However, the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) does not confirm any of them for the moment.

“An investigator from the SQ as well as a fire scene technician are on the scene today to determine the causes and the circumstances,” announced Hélène St-Pierre, spokesperson for the SQ.

Local residents were rather disappointed with the turn of events.

“Perhaps it was someone who wasn’t happy,” thinks a citizen.

“Since they went bankrupt last week, it’s suspicious,” reacted a man.

“It’s a part of our history. This building has been there for years,” said a lady.

Remember that Pâtisserie Gaudet declared $23.8 million in bankruptcy this week. In August, the company also received $7.7 million in financial assistance from the Quebec government.

Photo Agence QMI, William Bombardier

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