[Gathering Qi and Fighting Cancer]Husband defeated lymphoma but suffered from acute leukemia. Wife seeks qi and hopes for a miracle[with symptoms of leukemia]- Hong Kong Economic Times- TOPick – Health- Health Information

A Taiwanese wife shared her husband’s critical illness with cancer, asking netizens to gather their anger and hope that a miracle will come.

The road to fighting cancer is not easy. A Taiwanese wife recently shared the news that her husband was dying of cancer on the Internet, asking netizens to gather their energy and hope that a miracle will come. She said that her husband suffered from lymphoma in high school. After successfully fighting cancer, he got married and had children. However, he suddenly suffered from acute blood cancer last year, and there were still cancer cells after the bone marrow transplant. During the treatment, unfortunately, the lungs became infected and the blood oxygen level dropped. Due to the critical situation, the wife asked everyone to gather their energy and blessings, hoping that the husband would win this battle.

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The wife was on Saturday (9th) atfacebook group “●【Blaze Commune】●”Posted about her husband’s cancer-fighting experience. She described her husband as a good man, kind and charitable. Even in the emergency room, he still thinks about his relatives, “he thinks about his uncle who is responsible for the family.” She continued to point out that her husband had a hard life in his life. First, he suffered from lymphoma in high school. After more than a year of chemotherapy, he successfully fought against the cancer. After that, the two met and started a family. Now their daughter is almost three years old.

She described it as a miracle that the two were able to have a child:

He always said that it was fortunate that he had recovered and did not give up, because he would have the opportunity to get to know me later. A medical miracle also happened to him, because we met and married many years later, and were lucky to have a child of our own, who is now almost three years old.

The family of three used to live a happy life, but in May last year, the husband received bad news and was “suddenly diagnosed with acute leukemia by the doctor.” He is still actively facing the cancer again. He was admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy and medicine, and waited until April this year for a bone marrow transplant. The operation was successful. However, recently, cancer cells were found.

It was not easy until the Tzu Chi pairing was successful, and in April this year, after staying in the transplant ward for 30 days and in the observation ward for two consecutive weeks, the transplant was finally successful.

Recently, it was found that there are still cancer cells in the bone marrow… The doctor asked him to suspend the anti-rejection drugs and try to see if the cancer cells could be rejected by the other party’s bone marrow. Unfortunately, the effect was not satisfactory, and a lung infection occurred…
lead to a drop in blood oxygen…

Due to the lung infection, the blood oxygen level dropped, and the husband was reluctant to insert the throat, so the doctor said that according to the patient’s physical condition, the drug can only be prescribed first. On Saturday (9th), doctors told the wife to “prepare for the worst.” But she said, “I’m sure he’ll be fine!”

She posted a letter imploring netizens to gather their anger, saying “begging for a miracle to come to him”, hoping that her husband can overcome cancer and take care of her daughter’s growth together.

Good people deserve good rewards! He will only do more good things in his life to give back to the society and disadvantaged groups. Please help gather your energy. He still has a daughter who is less than three years old to take care of, and he must survive.

As soon as the post came out, the celebrity wife received a lot of messages from netizens to cheer her up, wishing her husband a safe passage and a speedy recovery.

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Causes and symptoms of acute leukemia

According to the Hong Kong Cancer Foundation, leukaemia refers to the canceration of white blood cells. There are two ways to distinguish leukemia. First, which type of white blood cell becomes cancerous, whether it is a cell in the bone marrow or a lymphocyte outside the bone marrow; second, the speed of the disease, whether it spreads fast or slow. As the name suggests, chronic leukemia develops slowly, sometimes without significant change for months or even years, while acute spreads rapidly.

What is acute leukemia? Acute leukemia is caused by lesions of the white blood cells, which constantly divide and grow out of control.The abnormal white blood cells (blasts or lymphoblasts) produced are not mature cells and cannot help the patient
Protects against infection, but occupies space in the bone marrow, leaving no room for normal red blood cells and platelets to proliferate.


The cause of acute leukemia has not yet been determined. However, the following factors may increase risk:

  • exposure to excess radiation, including X-rays
  • Exposure to chemicals such as benzene
  • virus infection


As immature blast cells take up space in the bone marrow and crowd out healthy blood cells, symptoms such as:

  • Anemia: Not enough red blood cells, pale, weak, tired easily, shortness of breath
  • Repeated infections: Insufficient white blood cells, sore mouth, sore throat, fever, night sweats, cough, feeling hot when urinating, inflamed wounds, boils
  • Frequent bruising and bleeding: Not enough platelets, bruising without impact, frequent bleeding from the nose or gums, heavy menstrual bleeding in women
  • Relatively few symptoms include: bone pain, sore gums, rash, headache, worsening vision, vomiting, swollen lymph glands, discomfort caused by an enlarged spleen, chest pain
  • Individual patients may have no symptoms at all, and leukemia is only detected by blood test

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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