Members and executives of the party who support Stefanos Kasselakis are outside the Congress after the call made by the ousted president. However, SYRIZA has made it clear that entry will only be allowed to those who have received an SMS or email with their credentials.
Earlier executives supporting Stefanos Kasselakis were outside Koumoundourou in order to protest the proceedings. Theodora Tzakri was also there, asking to be informed by KOES about the total number of elected delegates of SYRIZA. In fact, Theodora Tzakri was holding a usb stick in her hands, which, as she said, includes 1,934 statements of delegates in favor of the participation of Mr. Kasselakis.
A few hours before the crucial Congress of SYRIZA and while the party is at a breaking point with the tensions between the sides escalating, Stefanos Kasselakis was on the set of the show “Society Hour MEGA” talking about everyone and everything.
“If you have committed the sin of supporting Stefanos Kasselakis, you are not a member of the Council”
“There shouldn’t even be a question of an agreement, which obviously doesn’t exist because they’ve also excluded representatives of my campaign from the bodies they’ve created, like this committee of social opinions that will tell us who are sane delegates or not,” he says the former president of SYRIZA regarding the Congress.
“There is a committee that is after the congressional elections that will tell you if you are following the rules. If you have committed the sin of supporting Stefanos Kasselakis, you are not going to be a member of the Council”.
“It is a shame that six days after the election and on the day of the Congress, the party has not made public how many voted, how many Congressmen are elected, who they are. We have absolutely no idea. All they do to hide it is to send SMS or mail to the elected Congressmen, supposedly to inform them that they have been elected and to go to the Congress. All of eastern Attica who support me have not received an SMS, neither have I received an SMS. They are elected. In all of Attica we have a very large majority. In the province we have a small majority”, he adds.
“We’re talking about shame”
Asked how someone can prove that he has been elected as a Member of Parliament, he emphasizes:
“They must come with the minutes of the local organizations, of the election committees, which in practice, however, in many organizations, they do not give them to Congressmen who are close to my side. Talk about shame. Is it possible to have two-speed Conferences? The funny thing here is that we are going to a Conference, it will also be hybrid, people will arrive in Gazi and they will say ‘oh, sorry, you don’t have accreditation’. The other will say that he was elected, what will you say? At the same time they are going to digital voting without a system that is checked for it, they will simply put everyone’s vote in the cloud. It means there will be no control at the ballot box. He’s going to say that the process is negotiable.”
“If I am a candidate for president, we win from the first round”
Regarding the characterizations on both sides of “bullying” behaviors, he points out:
“Violence does not express me. I know they are trying to accuse me of being a ‘trump’. The only ones who are ‘Trumps’ are those who violate intra-party democracy. I say this clearly to all my supporters and I thank them very much for taking the trouble to come today without even knowing if they have officially passed the party’s opinion committee, I don’t need tensions, we are not the ones who have to prove anything through tension. It is the others who will have to prove to the whole society and already too many of those in the society have been corrupted, to prove why they are so afraid to let the legitimately elected president of the party be judged at the ballot box.
“The answer is obvious. If I run for president on November 24th, we win the first round by a margin. In a purely partisan process they have the whole mechanism, we didn’t even know member lists, they have suddenly added members from the past, people from the New Left have come and voted, just as they voted for the sudden censure they gave me in the KE. Despite all this pressure we managed to have a majority of the Conferences. Imagine the majority we will have at the ballot box.”
“Isn’t it a shame to have a whole Congress without even knowing the results of the ballot? They exclude Democracy, it is not a personal issue. I wish they would let me lose at the ballot box if I was as bad a president as they later remembered,” he adds.
“Anti-democratic perverts – I’m not going to stay”
To the question of whether he will eventually leave SYRIZA in the event that he is not a presidential candidate, he answers:
“I have not come to my homeland to ally with SYRIZA to belittle him. What is being done is undemocratic perversity in the official opposition party and obviously, from what it seems, they are not going to change course because they want to keep the keys to the party, along with the transferees and secondees and the wage earners who make a living from it the mechanism and many of them are also members of the KE. This party will now be thoroughly undemocratic if it continues in this way. Obviously I’m not going to stay in an anti-democratic party.”
“I accept proposals to form a party”
“It’s very easy to say ‘oh, you’re going to make your own party.’ I receive proposals from many people to form my own party”, notes Mr. Kasselakis, emphasizing:
“(…) This is not the issue at the moment. Let’s be patient, not be disappointed, have democratic vigilance and everything will be fine. But today we must not allow any elected Congressman to be disqualified.”
“SYRIZA does not exist as we knew it, after what has happened. Many members of the party thank me for pulling back the curtain, they say ‘thank you for pulling back the curtain and now we know who we have been supporting for so many years'”, he adds.
“I believe that society as a whole will not remain in an anti-democratic party,” he emphasizes.
“I feel sorry for Mr. Polaki”
“I am truly sorry for Mr. Polakis, I feel sorry for where someone ends up in their life because of their excessive selfishness. This thing is so dumb. Instead of them understanding that it is the original declaration of assets, that is, I declared what I had on the day I became the president of the party. Mr. Polakis suddenly discovered that I was in shipping in 2023. Apparently I was in shipping in 2023. So many newspapers that have been fighting me for a year, do you think they haven’t analyzed everything about me? Do you think they didn’t know I’m in shipping the same year I became party president? I have left before becoming president, March 2023 I left all companies in the shipping industry. This blur is regular, mud, dealing with the mud of mr. Polaki instead of the cooking currently being done at the Conferences”, he says.
“(…)Left for them is ‘leftist’ and exclusion, Left for me is embrace and inclusion”.
Mr. Kasselakis also spoke about the meeting he had the day before yesterday in Pagrati with party officials.
“As far as the conversation with Ms. Gerovasili is concerned, I have pledged that the content will remain private and I will abide by that and she has abided by it as well.”
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#Gathering #kasselistas #Gazi #live
PWA push notification tutorial
It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of JavaScript code that includes various operations related to asynchronous loading of scripts for ads, push notifications, comments, and more. Here’s a brief breakdown of the sections in your code, along with some comments for context:
1. **AdSense Cleanup**:
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
This part removes AdSense elements from the mobile view.
2. **AdSense Slot Processing**:
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;
if (adSenseSlotCount > 0) {
adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {
// Processing for each AdSense slot could go here.
3. **OneSignal Initialization**:
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
This section initializes OneSignal for push notifications.
4. **Disqus Configuration**:
var disqus_config = function() { = “”; = 1561743;
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s = d.createElement(‘script’);
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This part configures Disqus for comments and loads its script after a delay.
5. **Asynchronous Script Loading**:
function cmpActionCompleted() {
// Script loading function calls go here
6. **Other Ad and Integration Features**:
// Various integration scripts are loaded asynchronously in this section,
// including CleverCore, Taboola, and Glomex.
// For Google AdSense
if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {
// Delays for other integrations
setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(”), 800);
### Summary:
This code is structured to handle several ad-related functionalities and integrates various services, including Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and others asynchronously to optimize page loading times. Each section checks for the presence of certain elements before performing actions like loading scripts or initializing services. If you need assistance with a specific part of this code or its functionality, feel free to ask!