Gastrointestinal infections

2024-07-22 17:24:28

A gastrointestinal infection can completely cripple you. Nausea and diarrhea, sometimes even vomiting diarrhea, can take all your energy away. Anyone caught up in it can only wait patiently for things to eventually get better. Luckily, there is Ayurveda and some very good advice on how to stop nausea and diarrhea fast.

Amarena Cup – First a dream, then a nightmare

I had to go get an MRI because of calcification in my shoulder that wouldn’t get better. As I lay there listening to the sounds, I dreamed of a glass of Amarena that was about to reward me. Despite the ice cream shop being busy, which may or may not indicate some quality, I got salmonella poisoning from the ice cream. My dear Paul got it too, but he got away with some other variety in his Black Forest glass.

Gastrointestinal infection means nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, diarrhea

The culprits that cause gastrointestinal infections can be of many different natures. What they all have in common is that they all attack the gastrointestinal system and the effects they cause can be very unpleasant.


Salmonella is a type of bacteria that is spread through food. If kitchen hygiene is poor and food is not properly cooled, it can quickly reach the digestive tract and cause damage.

Symptoms of Salmonella Poisoning

Salmonella contamination becomes apparent quickly. Within hours, you’ll have headaches, diarrhea, stomach pain, and occasionally vomiting. A mild fever is a common side effect. In the vast majority of cases, symptoms subside after a few days. But it can be really awful sometimes, so I’ve put together some Ayurvedic tips to make your life easier.

Salmonella is mainly found in the following foods:

  • Raw or unheated eggs
  • Dairy ice cream
  • Egg cream, salad, raw cake dough
  • Raw meat, minced meat, tartare, sausages, salami


Campylobacter are bacteria that cause infectious diarrheal illnesses. They are especially common during the summer and in warm countries.

Symptoms of Campylobacter infection

It starts after only 2 to 5 days. Usually, the first symptoms you experience are fever, headache, and muscle aches. Soon after, you start to have severe stomach pain and cramps. Then nausea and diarrhea set in. The symptoms subside after a week.

Campylobacter is mainly found in these foods:

  • Undercooked poultry.
  • On a cutting board, cut the poultry first, then the salad or vegetables.
  • Raw milk and all raw milk products
  • Uncooked minced meat
  • Types of raw sausages, such as mettwurst


These viruses are highly contagious and are often found in kindergartens and schools.

Symptoms of Norovirus Infection

The disease usually comes on suddenly with heavy vomiting. The disease is accompanied by abdominal pain, muscle pain and a slight fever. After a day or two, everything can start again.

Norovirus is mainly found in:

Transmission is usually by smear infection. Tiny particles in feces or vomitus are enough to infect many other people.
Droplet infection is also possible.

  • Raw foods, such as salads and fruit
  • And frozen berries
  • Crabs and mussels
  • Polluted water

There are so many causes of gastrointestinal infections

If you have nausea and diarrhea, there are a lot of other things you could be infected with. There’s rotavirus, staph, and enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Gastrointestinal infections are absolutely terrible and no fun. They’re also contagious. So don’t take them lightly.
Here you can Provide information about infectious diseases.

Ayurveda helps treat diarrhea

The best Ayurvedic remedy for diarrhea is actually not eating anything. It is best not to eat anything for 24 to 36 hours. The following tips only include a small number of foods. See which one appeals to you the most or try them all.

  • Mash the banana and mix with 2 tablespoons of organic yogurt
  • Mash the banana with some rock salt and black pepper
  • Mix one tablespoon of psyllium husk with two tablespoons of yogurt and one mashed banana
  • Grate the apples with the skin on, sprinkle with lemon juice and eat after 15 minutes. Then enough pectin will have formed.

Apples and bananas are two important helpers in treating diarrhea. Apples contain a lot of pectin, which is an important fiber for regulating intestinal function.
Bananas also contain pectin, but most importantly, they contain large amounts of potassium, magnesium, trace elements and vitamins. You desperately need both right now.

Ayurvedic Tips for Treating Nausea

Spices have always played an important role in Ayurveda – especially when it comes to gastrointestinal infections!

  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder mixed with 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg mixed with 1 teaspoon honey
  • Ginger tea, here you can learn how to prepare ginger tea

Headaches caused by gastrointestinal infections

This helps relieve headaches

When I have a headache I don’t waste time, I take headache medicine. For me everything from Ibu helps, my Paul swears by aspirin, others use paracetamol to get rid of headaches. Everyone reacts differently.
There is nothing in Ayurveda that is particularly helpful for headaches, at least I haven’t found it yet. If you know anything, please write it in the comments below. It is more likely that Ayurveda will provide a treatment that will reduce or prevent headaches in the long run. But that is a whole different topic. I should pick it up too

Severe dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting

You can use alkaline powders to compensate for the fluid loss and associated mineral loss caused by (vomiting) diarrhea. If you have diarrhea and/or vomiting, you are losing important minerals and nutrients. This can upset your acid-base balance and make you feel unwell. Even more unwell than you already are.

1 teaspoon base powder, several times a day

Stir one teaspoon of the alkaline powder into a glass of clean, warm body water. Drink one cup of the alkaline powder several times a day. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium are important minerals that can make gastrointestinal infections subside faster.

Tip: Wait 2 hours after eating.

Unsolicited Advertising: This foundation powder has been proven to be very effective. You can also use it if you do a lot of exercise.

When your blood circulation drops dramatically

What helps most is drinking as much as possible at body temperature or warmer.
In any case, drinking hot water is always the best idea. If you feel weak, you can also boil 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper along with water.
Ginger water is perfect for winter. If the weather is warm, you can soak fresh mint or peppermint in warm water.

I also enjoy a cup of hot soup made from granulated organic vegetable broth, which I can barely prepare for myself given the circumstances.

Things You Should Never Do If You Have a Gastrointestinal Infection

Anyway, you may not be interested in this, but I’m writing it down just to be safe. You should definitely not do or eat these things:

  • Coffee and black tea
  • Zach
  • Alcohol
  • Milk and all other dairy products
  • Greasy, fried, grilled food
  • Raw vegetables and fresh fruit
  • Sports and any form of physical activity

What can you eat after the worst is over?

Your gastrointestinal tract is having a bad time. Be kind and gentle with it. As long as you can’t tear up any trees and your legs still feel like pudding, your tummy still needs some light food. Ideally you can eat warm porridge, semolina porridge, if you need something hearty, then kitchari is the right choice. I always have a pack of Kitchari Classic at home, you never know…

Unsolicited Advertisement: It’s always a good idea to have a pack of these at home.

This is a kitchari recipe, there are as many variations as there are cooks

Kitchari is a light and detoxifying food in Ayurveda. I am just introducing you to the ingredients you can choose to add or subtract. It always depends on what you have at home. It is difficult to go shopping in such a situation. But I always have rice and lentils at home.

Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic dish
Ingredients for Kichari

  • 50g basmati rice, which is easiest to digest
  • 50 g Mungdal or other lentils
  • A piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ghee (or olive oil)
  • Cumin, coriander seeds, turmeric, asapoon, cinnamon, clove powder, rock salt (the amount of spices depends on your preference)
  • A handful of seasonal vegetables, chopped
  • About 1/2 liter of water

Preparing kitchari

We promise, it’s so easy to prepare that even if you’re weak, you can do it!

  • It is important to rinse the rice and lentils thoroughly beforehand until the water runs clear.
  • Chop the ginger and finely chop the vegetables. Your stomach is happy when it doesn’t have to break down large pieces.
  • Heat 1 teaspoon of ghee and lightly toast all the spices in it.
  • Then add the vegetables, rice and lentils and roast for a few more minutes.
  • Pour in hot water and cook for about 30 minutes.
  • When everything is soft and cooked, season with salt and a little lemon.
  • You can sprinkle a little (!) fresh herbs on top if you have any.

This recipe is also ideal if you want to relax.
If you found this post because you are currently suffering from a gastrointestinal infection, I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. I have just put all this behind me, I am still in the light food phase, and I am making myself delicious kitchari now!
Kind regards from Lisa

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#Gastrointestinal #infections



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