Gastro, migraine, fatigue… the best herbal teas for a peaceful winter

2023-12-26 13:07:52

Thanks to Amaya Calvo Valderrama, trainer in herbal medicine, author of My bible of health and well-being herbal teas (ed. Leduc) and co-author of I make my herbal teas that heal (ed. Leduc).

*Precautions for use: these herbal teas are not recommended for children, in cases of pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to aspirin and anticoagulant treatment (1) autoimmune diseases (2), hyperthyroidism, ulcer and hormone-dependent cancer (3).

The anti-gastro potion

La salicaire.It has the ability to reabsorb part of the excess water in the stools, which causes diarrhea. So much so that it would be as effective as loperamide, the active ingredient present in Imodium, according to a study carried out in animals. All without blocking the elimination of germs that cause gastro.
Thyme. It contains thymol, an active antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory action on the intestinal sphere to calm irritation and pain.
Lemon balm. Deeply soothing and antispasmodic, it softens the painful contractions of the intestines which try to evacuate the virus.
Fresh ginger. It is a powerful anti-nausea agent thanks, in particular, to two of its compounds: gingerol and shogaol.

Manual :

Mix 40 g of loosestrife, 30 g of thyme, 30 g of lemon balm. Dip 2 tbsp. to s. of the herbal mixture in 1/2 l of cold water. Bring to a boil, let boil for 3 minutes, then remove from heat. Add 1 tbsp. to c. fresh ginger, cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Sweeten with a small spoonful of honey if necessary. To sip all day long.

The anti-fatigue boost

Ginger Armored in minerals (manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iron…) and gingerol (cardiac tonic), it is capable of causing a blood flow and boost energy in the body.
Nettle. Strongly remineralizing and rich in vitamins, this plant with antiasthenic properties is suitable for periods of intense fatigue, as well as those of convalescence.
Rosemary. It stimulates the brain, particularly working memory, as well as the liver.

Manual :

Mix 50 g of ginger + 15 g of nettle + 35 g of rosemary. Dip 1 tbsp. to s. of the mixture in 1/2 l of boiling water and let it infuse for 3 to 5 minutes. Avoid drinking following 5 p.m.

The cocktail to chase away migraines(1)

#Gastro #migraine #fatigue.. #herbal #teas #peaceful #winter



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