Gasselich’s Insightful Take on Vienna’s Understanding of Democracy This Democracy Day

Gasselich’s Insightful Take on Vienna’s Understanding of Democracy This Democracy Day

2024-09-14 07:57:32

Vienna (OTS) –

“Vienna has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to democracy – unfortunately, nothing has changed in this regard in the last year,” stressed Patrick Gasselich, the democracy spokesman for the Vienna People’s Party, on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy taking place tomorrow. There are still many areas of work to be done in this area, which the Vienna city government is consistently ignoring.

“For example, the rules for investigative committees are still anything but democratic. The chairman of the local council decides on the application for establishment and there is still no obligation to submit files and documents. So you are solely dependent on the goodwill of the supplying bodies – an intolerable situation for the investigation of possible grievances,” criticizes Gasselich.

The parliamentary right to ask questions, the right to interpellate, is also not being observed. Deadlines that are far exceeded and inadequate or non-existent answers to questions submitted are the order of the day. “The peak of undemocratic excesses in Vienna, however, is the ongoing breach of the constitution with regard to minimum income. According to the current basic social assistance law, for example, social assistance may not be paid out to those entitled to subsidiary protection – but Vienna still ignores this,” explains the constitutional spokesperson.

The non-observance or complete absence of opposition rights makes the work of the opposition more difficult and leads to a lack of transparency and even open violations of democracy. “Even the title of ‘capital of democracy’, which was awarded indirectly, no longer helps to conceal the lack of understanding of democracy on the part of the Vienna city government. If we really want to live democracy in the city of Vienna, we should quickly ensure reforms in the areas mentioned instead of celebrating ourselves for no reason,” Gasselich concluded.


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What are the key criticisms ​regarding Vienna’s democratic practices?

Vienna Failing to​ Meet Democracy Standards: Criticisms and⁣ Concerns

As the⁤ world celebrates⁣ the International Day of Democracy on‌ [Date], Vienna,‌ the capital city ‌of Austria, is facing criticism ⁢for its lack of⁢ progress in promoting democracy. ⁢According to⁢ Patrick Gasselich, the democracy spokesman for the Vienna People’s Party, the city still has ⁤a long way to go in terms of‌ ensuring​ democratic​ practices⁣ and⁣ upholding democratic values.

Undemocratic Practices in Investigative‌ Committees

One of the areas of concern is⁤ the functioning of ‍investigative committees. Gasselich points out that the‍ rules governing these committees ‌are far‍ from democratic. The chairman of ⁢the local council has the power to decide on‌ the ​application for establishment, ​and⁣ there is no obligation to submit files ‍and documents. This means‌ that the investigation of possible grievances is entirely‍ dependent on the goodwill of‌ the supplying bodies, which⁣ is unacceptable.

Parliamentary Rights Ignored

Another area of concern is the parliamentary right ⁢to ask questions, also known as the right to interpellate. Deadlines are frequently exceeded, and ​inadequate ‌or non-existent ‌answers are given to questions submitted. This lack of ⁣transparency and accountability is a major obstacle⁢ to democratic functioning.

Constitutional Breaches

Perhaps the most egregious example of Vienna’s democratic shortcomings is its ongoing​ breach of the constitution with regard to ‌minimum income. The basic social assistance law states that social assistance cannot be paid out to those entitled to subsidiary protection, yet Vienna continues to ignore this provision.

Opposition Rights⁢ Neglected

The absence or ⁣non-observance of opposition rights is also a ‌major concern. This makes it⁢ difficult⁤ for the⁣ opposition to perform its duties⁣ effectively,‍ leading to a lack of transparency and accountability. Gasselich ‌argues ⁣that⁤ this lack of democratic oversight leads to open ‍violations of⁣ democratic principles.

Call to‌ Action

As the International Day of Democracy approaches, it is⁣ essential ⁣that Vienna takes concrete steps to ‌address these‌ democratic shortcomings. The ⁤city ‍government must​ take responsibility for promoting democratic values and practices, ensuring transparency, accountability, and equal ‌opportunities ​for all citizens.


Vienna’s democratic track⁢ record is‌ far from impressive.​ The⁢ city government must take immediate ​action to address⁣ the ⁤criticisms and concerns raised by Gasselich and other democracy advocates. By doing so,⁢ Vienna can reclaim its reputation as a beacon⁤ of democracy and set an example for other cities around the world.

Keywords: Vienna, democracy, International Day of Democracy, democratic practices, transparency, accountability, opposition rights, constitutional breaches, minimum income, parliamentary rights.

Meta Description: Vienna’s democracy is under scrutiny⁤ as ‍the city⁣ faces criticism for its lack ‍of ⁣progress in promoting democratic values and practices. Read more about the concerns and ⁣criticisms​ raised by democracy advocates.

Header‍ Tags:

H1:‍ Vienna Failing to Meet Democracy Standards: Criticisms and Concerns

H2: ⁣Undemocratic‍ Practices in Investigative Committees

H2: Parliamentary Rights Ignored

H2: Constitutional ⁢Breaches

H2: Opposition ⁣Rights Neglected

H2: Call to Action

* H2: Conclusion

Optimized ⁣for SEO: This article is ‌optimized for search engines with relevant keywords, meta description, and header tags to ‍ensure maximum visibility and readability.

Is not being implemented effectively, leading to concerns about citizens’ rights and social equity.

Vienna Failing to Meet Democracy Standards: Criticisms and Concerns

As the world celebrates the International Day of Democracy, Vienna, the capital city of Austria, is facing criticism for its lack of progress in promoting democracy. According to Patrick Gasselich, the democracy spokesman for the Vienna People’s Party, the city still has a long way to go in terms of ensuring democratic practices and upholding democratic values.

Undemocratic Practices in Investigative Committees

One of the areas of concern is the functioning of investigative committees. Gasselich points out that the rules governing these committees are far from democratic. The chairman of the local council has the power to decide on the application for establishment, and there is no obligation to submit files and documents. This means that the investigation of possible grievances is entirely dependent on the goodwill of the supplying bodies, which is unacceptable.

Parliamentary Rights Ignored

Another area of concern is the parliamentary right to ask questions, also known as the right to interpellate. Deadlines are frequently exceeded, and inadequate or non-existent answers are given to questions submitted. This lack of transparency and accountability is a major obstacle to democratic functioning.

Constitutional Breaches

Perhaps the most egregious example of Vienna’s democratic shortcomings is its ongoing breach of the constitution with regard to minimum income. The basic social assistance law



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