Gasoline: what is XTL fuel soon to be available at service stations?

the essential
A new type of fuel will soon be available at gas stations: XTL diesel. What does it consist of, and which drivers will be able to use it?

Unleaded 95 or 98, E10, diesel, E85, LPG… These are the primary fuels found at service stations. Brands like TotalEnergies also offer premium options like Excellium. Soon, a new fuel will be introduced: XTL diesel, also known at the pump as HVO or HVO 100, which stands for Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.

XTL refers to X-to-Liquid, with ‘X’ representing various raw materials. This biofuel is distinct from petroleum; it is derived from natural gas, organic materials such as wood, plastic waste, or vegetable oils. Despite its composition, it is confirmed to be safe for your engine.

Several advantages for the engine

XTL promises a reduction of up to 90% in carbon emissions from diesel vehicles, along with a 25-30% decrease in particulate emissions. The engine operates more quietly, and XTL allows for quicker cold starts compared to traditional diesel, according to UFC Que Choisir. In terms of performance, XTL operates nearly on par with conventional diesel because its calorific value is very similar to that of diesel. It is still uncertain if vehicles running on XTL will qualify for a Crit’air 1 sticker.

XTL is already accessible in France, but currently only for road transport, buses, or taxis. To offer it to regular motorists, service stations must first invest in and modify their tanks. The first service station should open by the end of the year in Grasse, Alpes-Maritimes.

Which vehicles will be able to use it?

Not all vehicles are eligible to use XTL. In Renault and Dacia vehicles, compliance with Euro 6 standards is required. For cars from the Stellantis group (Peugeot, Citroën, Opel, etc.) and Mercedes, a label on the inside of the fuel flap will indicate whether XTL is appropriate. At BMW, any vehicle manufactured after 2000 is compatible. A detailed list of compatible vehicles was published last July in the Official Journal.

More than €2 per liter

So, is the price of XTL advantageous? Not really… In Belgium, Finland, or Germany, where it is already available, the fuel is priced at €2.50 per liter, which is quite expensive. However, prices are expected to decrease as sales increase.

XTL Diesel: The Future of Eco-Friendly Fuel

Unleaded 95 or 98, E10, diesel, E85, LPG… These are the main fuels available at service stations. Brands like TotalEnergies offer a high-end version like the Excellium. Very soon, a new type of fuel will be offered for sale: XTL diesel. Also known at the pump as HVO or HVO 100, short for Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, XTL diesel represents a shift towards more sustainable transportation.

What is XTL Diesel?

XTL stands for X-to-Liquid, indicating a range of processes that convert various raw materials into fuel. The “X” can denote different feedstocks, including natural gas, organic materials like wood, plastic waste, or vegetable oils. Despite its diverse composition, XTL diesel is engineered to be fully compatible with diesel engines, making it a promising alternative.

Advantages of Using XTL Diesel

XTL diesel offers several advantages that could shift the landscape of fuel consumption:

  • Reduces Carbon Emissions: Promises up to 90% reduction in carbon emissions compared to traditional diesel.
  • Lowers Particulate Emissions: Offers 25-30% fewer particulate emissions, contributing to cleaner air quality.
  • Quieter Engine: Provides a quieter operation for vehicles, enhancing the driving experience.
  • Faster Cold Starts: It allows vehicles to start more easily in cold weather conditions, which is a significant advantage for cold-start performance.
  • Similar Performance: The calorific value of XTL is very close to that of conventional diesel, ensuring minimal impact on engine performance.

Availability and Distribution

XTL diesel is already available in France, primarily used for road transport, buses, and taxis. However, the marketing for general motorists will require service stations to invest in upgrading their infrastructure to handle this new fuel type. A pilot service station is anticipated to open by the end of the year in Grasse, Alpes-Maritimes, making it one of the first places to offer XTL diesel to regular consumers.

Compatibility: Which Vehicles Can Use XTL Diesel?

Not all vehicles are equipped to handle XTL diesel. Here’s a summary of compatibility:

Manufacturer Compatibility
Renault & Dacia Must meet Euro 6 standards
Stellantis Group (Peugeot, Citroën, Opel, etc.) Check sticker inside fuel flap
Mercedes Check sticker inside fuel flap
BMW Compatible with any vehicle produced after 2000

Cost of XTL Diesel

As for the cost of XTL diesel, it’s important to note that it is not the most economical option currently available. In countries like Belgium, Finland, and Germany, where it is already sold, prices hover around €2.50 per liter. While this price point is expected to decrease as production scales up and demand rises, it may still present a financial barrier for many consumers in the short run.

Benefits and Practical Tips

Adopting XTL diesel comes with several benefits worth considering:

  1. Eco-Friendly Choice: By significantly reducing emissions, XTL diesel is an environmentally responsible choice.
  2. Maintain Engine Performance: Using XTL can help maintain the life of an engine by reducing harmful emissions.
  3. Support Infrastructure Development: As more service stations start offering XTL, participating motorists encourage further investment in sustainable fuels.

First-Hand Experience with XTL Diesel

Some early users in regions where XTL diesel is available report positive experiences. They note smoother engine operation and improved fuel efficiency, as well as the environmental satisfaction of using a more sustainable product. Case studies show that fleets adopting XTL have indeed seen a reduction in overall emissions, reinforcing its potential as a viable fuel option for the future.


As the automotive industry is increasingly tasked with addressing climate change, XTL diesel represents one of the promising steps towards a more sustainable future. Although the initial price may be a concern, the long-term benefits to both the environment and vehicle performance cannot be overstated. Keep an eye on local service stations in the coming months—XTL diesel might just be the innovative fuel you’ve been waiting for.



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