Gasoline prices: which French people are affected by this new rebate at the pump?

Soon, the 18 cents per liter that goes into the price you have to pay when you fill up will disappear. But that doesn’t mean the state stops helping you. If you are a high roller, then the government continues to help you. But you have to apply for it.

Tips for refueling!

We see you coming. You know how to refuel, of course. But it is not a question here of explaining to you how to put gasoline. But rather to tell you how to put it on. You may not know it, but depending on the time you fill up, the quality of gasoline is not the same. We give you an example to help you understand. It is strongly advised to refuel… in the morning. The reason is simple. At night, the temperatures are fresh. Due to this, the stored fuel cools. However, when it is cold, it is denser. When you fill up, a liter of fuel is really equal to a liter of fuel.

Does this seem normal to you? Maybe, but that’s not always the case. Indeed, when the fuels are hotter, they are more volatile. They therefore have tendency to evaporate faster. You then refuel, of course, but with less fuel. Also, don’t go to the pump right after a tanker truck fills the pumps. Indeed, when the pumps are filled, the fuels mix with the encrusted dirt. This dirt then ends up in your car if you are the first served. Don’t panic, it’s safe for the vehicle. But you’ll get more dirt, and less gas. The price, on the other hand, will be the same.

The end of the 18 cent drop

The government has it rapidly announcement. As soon as it was put in place, the French knew that this rebate of a few cents per liter was only temporary. It must be said that it costs a lot of money: 800 million per month. Therefore, the State thinks of a new aid. The idea found costs money, but much less: we are talking about 2 billion per year. This is logical since the aid in question is targeted. It does not concern all French people, but only those who drive the most, those who cannot do without their vehicle.

Bruno Le Maire has indicated this, and specifies: if ” your home and your place of work are very far away or that you are itinerant for example because you are a nursing assistant, you declare that you are a heavy wheeler and you will have additional compensation« .

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The current aid will gradually disappear. The discount will go from 18 to 12 cents, then from 12 to 6 cents, then from 6 to 0 cents. When the new aid comes into force, the big rollers will have to report that they need this aid on the site of the general direction of public finances. « We will do it very gradually, but at the end of the year, there will be no more fuel discounts.« , a declared the minister at the microphone of Europe 1.

Historical fuel prices!

We remember the anger of the yellow vests, who find themselves in the street to fight against rising prices. And notably fuel prices. At the time, the price per liter was 1 euro 50. It seems laughable now, when you know that many pumps exceed 2 euros per liter. But the yellow vests arrived before the covid-19 health crisis and before the major geopolitical crisis in Ukraine. These two events are at the origin of the price increase, sudden and surprising, but logical. Expenditure must be made by the government to help the French get out of a period of uncertainty.

Especially since we know, thanks to a recent study, that the French lack an average of 490 euros per month on average to make ends meet. This is obviously up from previous years. And it’s a whole new record that’s broken.

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